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单词 笑容满面

笑容满面xiào róng mǎn miàn

be all smiles; beam;be creased in a smile;grin (/smile) from ear to ear; have a broad smile on one’s face;one’s face is wreatched in smiles
❍ 宝玉悉把贾政看文章并命作破题的话述了一遍。贾母~。(《红楼梦》1103) He explained that his father had been reading his essays and had made him broach a new theme. His grandmother beamed.
❍ 可是余敬唐还是~。(杨沫《青春之歌》48) But Yu’s face remained creased in a smile,…/贾蓉当下也下了马,听见两个姨娘来了,喜的~。贾珍忙说了几声“妥当”,放鞭便走。(《红楼梦》822) Jia Rong had also dismounted. When he heard of the arrival of his two young aunts,he grinned at his father who was reiterating: “Well done,well done!”/方书记~地说:“同志们,今天偷袭了你们一下,这一次演习,是一次很好的战斗训练,不知道你们对这次演习怎么看法?” (黎汝清《海岛女民兵》228) “Comrades,” he said,his face wreatched in smiles,“I’ve sprung this surprise on you today and the exercise has given you a good chance of training yourselves for real battle. What do you think?”


be all smiles;having a broad smile on one's face

笑容满面xiào rónɡ mǎn miàn

形容满脸的欢笑。形容非常高兴、开心。be all smiles, one’s face is wreatched in smiles, beam, smile meekly





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