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❶ (露出愉快的表情, 发出欢喜的声音) smile; laugh: 放声大 ~ laugh heartily; 苦[狂; 狞; 傻] ~ laugh wryly [boisterously; grimly; foolishly]; 微 ~ smile; ~ 岔了气 choked with laughter; 一 ~ 了之 laugh out of court; 真 ~ 死人 be terribly funny; 你 ~ 什么? What are you smiling at? 谁 ~ 在最后, 谁 ~ 得最好。 He laughs best who laughs last. 她 ~ 了 ~ 表示感谢。 She smiled her thanks. 我们几乎 ~ 死了。 We nearly died with laughing.
❷ (讥笑) ridicule; laugh at; deride: 叫人 ~ 掉大牙 ridiculous enough to make people laugh their heads off; 我们 ~ 他异想天开。 We laughed at his fancy. 这次你可以 ~ 我了。 You have the laugh on me this time.
◆笑遨风月 revel in the breezy moonlight; enjoy the breeze and moonlight; 笑傲山林 wander and live with nature; 笑比河清 To make one smile is as difficult as to purify the river.; 笑柄 laughingstock; butt; joke; derision; jest; standing joke; 笑不合口 laugh so much that one cannot close the mouth; keep on laughing; 笑不可遏 roll with laughter; cannot stop laughing; in an uncontrollable fit of laughter; 笑不休 {医} forced laughing; compulsive laughter; obsessive laughter; silly laughing; 笑出眼泪 laugh till one cries; laugh till the tears roll down one's cheeks; (We) laughed until tears came to (our) eyes.; 笑得痛快 have a good laugh; laugh outright; 笑得要死 laugh oneself to death; be helpless with mirth; be laughing, fit to die; die with laughter; 笑掉大牙 make sb. laugh his teeth off; double up in laughter; make one hold one's sides; (make people) laugh their heads off; 笑鸫 laughing thrush; 笑断肚肠 split one's sides with laughter; 笑而不答 only smiled but did not reply; (He) only smiled and made no reply.; only smiled and said nothing; (She) smiles but does not answer.; 笑而不说 smiled and said nothing; 笑哈哈 laughingly; with a laugh; laughing heartily; 笑呵呵 happy and gay; cheerful and gay; 笑话 joke; jest; jape; laugh at; ridicule; howl; sneer at; 笑话百出 make many ridiculous mistakes; 笑肌 Albinus'muscle; musculus risorius; risible muscles; 笑剧 farce; opera bouffe; 笑嗑亚热 a mongolian national folk art form; 笑口常开 grinning all the time; 笑口长开, 青春常在 wear a smile often, and you will feel young always; 笑里藏刀 hide a dagger in a smile — with murderous intent behind one's smiles; a murderous heart under a smiling exterior; a smile of treachery; cherish [nourish; warm] a serpent [snake; viper] in one's bosom; conceal a knife in one's smile; conceal a sword in a smile — injure people under the cover of mildness; cover the dagger with a smile; daggers hidden behind smiles; feline amenities; the knife behind a smile; There is a hidden dagger behind (his) smiling face.; treachery lying underneath a mask of friendliness; trip sb. up while smiling all the time; utter honeyed words but carry a lethal weapon in one's sleeve; Velvet paws hide sharp claws.; When the fox preaches, take care of your geese.; 笑脸 smiling face; 笑脸陪话 smile sheepishly and coax sb.; 笑脸相迎 smile one's welcome; give sb. a welcoming look; give (sb.) the glad eye; greet sb. with a broad smile; meet sb. with a smiling face; receive sb. with a smiling countenance; salute sb. with a smile; welcome a person with smiles; welcome sb. with a beaming face; 笑料 laughingstock; joke; jape; jest; ribtickler; 笑骂 deride and taunt; mock and berate; deride; 笑骂由他 Let others say what they like.; Let him ridicule and revile as he likes.; Let him ridicule and scold.; Let them talk and criticize all they like.; 笑貌 smiling expression; 笑眯了眼 grin all over; be all smiles; 笑眯眯 smilingly; with a smile on one's face; 笑面虎 a smiling tiger — an outwardly kind but inwardly cruel person; a wicked person with a hypocritical smile; be a very wolf at heart but innocent in appearance; 笑纳 [套] kindly accept (this small gift of mine); 笑破不笑补 People sneer at those in tatters or rags but not at those with patches on their worn-out clothes.; 笑破肚皮split one's sides laughing; be overwhelmed with laughter; laugh oneself into convulsions [fits]; 笑气 {化} laughing gas; nitrous oxide; 笑容 smiling expression; smile; 笑容可掬 beam fairly; be radiant with smiles; be all smiles; grin from ear to ear; One's smiles were thick enough to pluck off one's face.; One's smiling face was very captivating.; show pleasant smiles; smile broadly [meekly]; smiled unreservedly; smiling most courteously; The face beams with a broad smile.; wear a broad smile; with a charming smile; 笑容满面 grin from ear to ear; a face radiating with smiles; A smile lit up one's face.; be all smiles; beaming with joy; have a broad smile on one's face; One's face wreathed in smiles.; smiling all over one's face; with a beaming face; with a face all smiles; 笑声 laugh; laughter; 笑声鼎沸 bubble with laughter; 笑声爽朗 burst out in peals of laughter; 笑声洋溢 Bursts of laughter kept floating out.; 笑谈 laughingstock; object of ridicule; comic stories; joke; 笑痛肚皮 be thrown into convulsions of laughter; be in convulsions of laughter; laugh oneself into convulsions; (We) laughed until (our) sides ached [split].; One laughs so hard [ violently] that the sides ache.; 笑歪了嘴 (would) have laughed one's mouth crooked; 笑纹 laugh line; 笑窝[涡] dimple; 笑嘻嘻 grinning; smiling broadly; 笑鸮 laughing owl; 笑星 laugh-making star; 笑颜 smiling face; 笑靥 [书] dimple; smiling face; 笑靥花 bridal wreath; dimple; 笑一笑, 十年少; 愁一愁, 白了头 Smiles make one young, worries make one aged.; An ounce of mirth is worth a pound of sorrow.; 笑吟吟 smiling happily; 笑影 smiling expression; 笑语 talking and smiling; 笑语连天 talk and laugh merrily and incessantly; 笑语盈盈 talk and laugh merrily and lightheartedly; chatter merrily; smiling at each other as they whisper; talk cheerfully; 笑着作答 reply with a smile; 笑逐颜开 A smile has driven all the hard lines in his face and brightened his countenance.; A smile crept across one's face.; beam with pleasure [smiles; joy]; be covered with smiles; be wreathed in smiles; feel happy and smile; give a broad smile; laugh cheerfully; make one's troubled face brighten up; One's face broke into smiles.; One's face flushed with pleasure.; One's face lit up in a smile [with joy].; One's face opened into wide smiles.; One's face relaxed into smiles.; One's face suffused with smiles.; One's face wrinkled [wreathed] in a broad smile.; The face is beaming with smiles of joy.

❷ridicule;laugh at;deride
待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中~。(毛泽东词《咏梅》)When the mountain flowers are in full bloom,She will smile mingling in their midst.(Mao Zedong’s poem Ode to the Plum Blossom)/谁~在最后,谁~得最好。He laughs best who laughs last./五十步~百步one who retreats fifty paces mocks one who retreats a hundred—the pot calls the kettle black/大~ laugh heartily;roar with laughter;fiffaw/格格地~cackle/奸~ sinister smile;villainous smile/开怀大~laugh to one’s heart’ content/苦~laugh bitterly/眉开眼~be all smiles/狞~grin hideously;give a grim laugh/皮~肉不~put on a false smile;give a hypocritical smile/强颜欢~force a smile/窃~ laugh up one’s sleeve;snicker;snigger/傻~laugh (or smile)foolishly;laugh like an idiot;giggle; smirk/讪~ ridicule; scoff;mock; deride/偷着~hide a smile/微~smile/贻~大方turn oneself into a laughing stock before experts/~岔了气choke with laughter/~得喘不过气来laugh till out of breath/~得合不拢嘴grim from ear to ear /~掉大牙 (make people)laugh their teeth off;be utterly ridiculous/~破肚皮split one’s sides with laughter/~弯了腰double up with laughter







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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:41:02