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单词 gain
释义 gain2 /gem; gen/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 14, 12B, 13B] obtain (sth wanted or needed); increase, add: 获得(需要之物); 增加: ~ experience/momentum/weight; 得到经验(增加动量; 增加重最); ~ an advantage over a competitor; 胜过对手; 占上风; ~ strength, eg become strong again after an illness. 恢复体力(例如病后)。 ~ ground, make progress. ~ time, improve one's chances by delaying sth, making pretexts, etc. 拖延时间。 ~ the upper hand, be victorious. 得胜; 占上风。 2 [VP2A, B, C] ~ (from), make progress; be improved; benefit: M步; 改进; 获益: ~ from an experience. 从经验中获益。 She is ~ing in (more usu 较常用 putting on) -weight. 她的体重在增加。 3 [VP2A, B] (of a watch or clock) become fast, ahead of the correct time: (指钟表)快于正确的时间: This watch neither ~s nor loses. 这表不快也不慢。 The clock ~s three minutes a day. 这钟每天如三分钟。 4 [VP3A] ~ on/upon, a get closer to (the person or thing pursued): 逼近(被追的人或物); 赶上: ~ on the other runners in a race. 在赛跑中赶上其他的选手。 b go faster than, get farther in advance of: 跑得较…快; 超过: ~ on one's pursuers. 跑得比追赶者快。 c (of the sea) advance gradually and eat away (the land). (指海)逐渐侵蚀(陆地)。 5 [VP6A] reach, arrive at (a desired place, esp with effort): 抵达(心中想去的地方, 尤指经过一番努力): ~ the top of a mountain. 到达山顶。 The swimmer ~ed the shore. 庵游泳者抵达亩上。 ~ings n pl earnings; profits; winnings. 收入; 收益瀛得之物。




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