站zhànⅠ ❶ (站立) stand; be on one's feet: ~ 开 stand clear; stand back; ~ 着不动 stand still; ~ 在工人阶级一边 stand by the working class; ~ 住脚跟 keep one's feet; 他腿软得几乎 ~ 不住了。 His legs were so weak that he could hardly stand. ❷ (停下来; 停留) stop; halt; pause: 等车 ~ 稳再下。 Get off the bus after it came to a stop.; Don't get out until the bus stops. 这车中途不 ~。 This bus makes no stops along the way. Ⅱ ❶ (停车点) stop; station: 长途汽车 ~ bus station; 公共汽车 ~ bus stop; 招呼(停车) ~ request stop; 终点 ~ terminal; terminus; 北京火车 ~ Beijing railway station ❷ (为某种业务设立的机构) centre; station: 消防 ~ fire station; 发电 ~ power station; 医疗 ~ health centre ◆站得高, 看得远 stand high and see far ahead; have the vantage ground from which to see far abead; stand on eminence and become farsighted; 站队 line up; fall in; stand in line; queue; 站岗 stand guard; be on sentry duty; stand sentry; 站柜台 serve as a shop assistant; serve behind the counter; 站票 ticket for standing room; 站台 station; pile-planking; horse block; platform (in a railway station); 站稳 come to a stop; stand firm; take a firm stand; 站长 head of a station, centre, etc.; 站住 stop; halt; stand firmly on one's feet; keep one's feet; stand one's ground; consolidate one's position; hold water; be tenable; 站住脚 stop; halt; stand one's ground; consolidate one's position; gain a firm footing; stay put; hold water; be tenable 站station;post;stop;center 你到~了。This is your stop./到了访问的第二~be on the second leg of a tour/长途汽车~inter-city bus station/出租汽车调度~taxi service/出租汽车上下(停靠)~Taxi/公交~bus station(or stop)/公交中心~central bus station/公交枢纽~public transport hub/火车~railway station/急救~first-aid station/加油~gas station/收费~toll gate/始发~departure station/太空~space station/文化~cultural center/下一~next stop/终点~terminal/中继~stop-over station |