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❶ (站) stand; remain in an erect position: 站 ~ remain standing; 直 ~ stand straight; 肃 ~ stand up and remain silent
❷ (使竖立; 使物件的上端向上) erect; stand; set up: ~ 旗杆 erect a flagstaff; 把杆子 ~ 在这儿 stand the pole here; 他们 ~ 了一座铜像[纪念碑]纪念他。 They set up a bronze statue [monument] to his memory.
❸ (建立; 制定) found; establish; set up: ~ 国 found a state; ~ 业 establish a business; ~ 下规矩 draw up a set of rules; 他们决定为此专 ~ 一项基金。 They decided to set up a fund for this purpose.
❹ (订立) sign; conclude: ~ 约 make an agreement; conclude a treaty; ~ 字据 sign a note
❺ (存在; 生存) exist; live: 自 ~ stand on one's own feet; support oneself; 独 ~ stand alone; be on one's own feet; 过去这块地不 ~ 苗。 In the past nothing could grow on this tract of land.
❻ (指君主即位) ascend the throne
❼ (确定继承地位) appoint; adopt: ~ 嗣 appoint an heir; ~ 某人为继承人 adopt a person as an heir Ⅱ (直立的) upright; vertical; erect: ~ 式发动机 an upright engine Ⅲ (立刻) immediately; at once; right away: ~ 奏奇效 get the remarkable result right away Ⅳ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 坤 Li Kun
◆立案 register; put on record; {律} place a case on file for investigation and prosecution; 立场 position; stand; standpoint; 立春 {天} Beginning of Spring (lst solar term); 立此存照 sign a note for investigation; sign this written pledge to be preserved as a basis for verification; A contract [An agreement, etc.] is hereby concluded and filed for future reference.; 立党为公 The Party is founded for public interests.; build a party for the interests of the vast majority; build a party serving the interests of the people; 立德粉 {化} lithopone; 立等可取 Repairs done while you wait.; have sth. ready while waiting; wait and have things ready before you get tired by standing; 立地 immediately; at once; 立地成佛 become a Buddha immediately; 立定 halt; 立冬 {天} Beginning of Winter (19th solar term); 立方 {数} cube; [简] cube; cubic metre; stere; 立方体 cube; hexahedron; 立竿见影 set up a pole and see its shadow — to get instant results; A shadow is cast as soon as a pole is raised.; can get good results temporarily; get quick results; produce an immediate effect; produce an immediate effect; work overnight; A pole casts a shadow as soon as it is set up.; 立功 render meritorious service; do a deed of merit; win honour; make contributions; 立功受奖 be rewarded for a meritorious action; Awards will be given to those who perform a meritorious service.; Those who have gained merit will be rewarded.; 立功赎罪 perform a meritorious service to atone for one's crimes; atone for one's crimes by a good deed; perform merits to atone [redeem] for one's misdeeds; repent one's evil ways and prove it by one's deeds; 立柜 clothes closet; wardrobe; hanging cupboard; 立辊 edger roll; vertical edging roll; vertical roll; 立国之本 fundamental to the building of the country; foundation underlying all our efforts to build the country; 立户 register for a household residence card; register for permanent residence; open an account with the bank; 立即 immediately; at once; promptly; off hand; 立交桥 viaduct; overpass; flyover; clover leaf intersection; 立井 vertical shaft; 立刻 immediately; at once; right away; in the turn [turning] of a hand; 立论 set forth one's views; present one's argument; argument; position; line of reasoning; 立秋 {天} Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term); 立绒 upright pile; raised pile; 立射 {军} fire from a standing position; 立身处世 get on in the world; behave oneself; get on in life; ways of conducting oneself in society; 立式 {机} vertical; upright; 立誓 take an oath; vow; 立陶宛 Lithuania; 立体 three-dimensional; stereoscopic; {数} solid; body; 立体电影 stereoscopic cinematograph; stereoscopic film; 立体感 third dimension; plastic effect; 立体声 stereo; stereophony; auditory perspective; localization; Fanta- sound; stereophonic; 立体声唱片 stereo phono; 立体声双卡收录机 stereo double-cassette radio recorder; 立体音响 stereophony; 立夏 {天} Beginning of Summer (7th solar term); 立宪 constitutionalism; 立言 expound one's ideas in writing; achieve glory by writing; 立业 start one's career; 立遗嘱 make a will; 立意 be determined; make up one's mind; conception; approach; 立异 hold an unconventional point of view; take an uncommon stand; 立于不败之地 be in an unassailable [invincible; impregnable] position; base oneself on sure ground; 立约 contract; 立正 stand at attention; 立志 resolve; be determined; 立轴 vertical scroll of painting or calligraphy; {机} vertical shaft; upright shaft; 立柱 {房} stud; upright column; upright post; column; straddle; 立传 glorify sb. by writing his biography; 立锥之地 a place to stick an awl — a tiny bit of land; an inch of standing room; 立姿 {军} standing position; 立足 have a foothold somewhere; keep a foothold; base oneself upon; 立足点 foothold; an anchor point; footing; standpoint; stand; 立足之地 a place to put one's feet on — a place to live in; a firm hold; an anchor point; an inch of land to stand on; a place for living; a place to set one's feet; foothold





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