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单词 空空如也

空空如也kōng kōng rú yě

absolutely (/all/entirely) empty (/vacant)
❍ 楼上“~”,任我拣得最好的坐位; 可以眺望楼下的废园。(《鲁迅选集》上—103)This upstairs room was absolutely empty,enabling me to take possession of the best seat from which one could look out on to the deserted courtyard beneath.
❍ 此后就一无所作,“~”。(《鲁迅全集》Ⅲ—166)After that I wrote no more—I was written out.
❍ 多少只臂膀举得那么高,多少只拳头舞得那么有力,多少只眼睛也都向王忠的座位搜寻的时候,却见这个小人儿的座位早已~。(杨沫《青春之歌》563) Angry arms shot up and fists were shaken. All eyes turned to Wang Zhong’s seat,which was already empty.
❍ 有鄙夫问于我,~,我叩其两端而竭焉。(《论语·子罕》)But if a mean person,who appears quite emptylike,ask anything of me,I set it forth from one end to the other,and exhaust it.

空空如也kōnɡ kōnɡ rú yě

空空:即“ 悾悾”,诚恳的样子。形容一无所有。absolutely empty, all empty, really nothing at all





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