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单词 空前绝后

空前绝后kōng qián jué hòu

unprecedented and unrepeatable;unique; without either precedent or sequel; without peer before its (/one’s) time and after/……他说善于玩把戏,~,举世无双,人们从来就没有看见过;一见之后,便即解烦释闷,天下太平。(鲁迅《故事新编》82)…he says he can do a wonderful trick the like of which has never been seen,unique in the world and absolutely new. The sight will end all care and bring peace to the world.
❍ 有一个大学热烈响应了教育部的号召,暑假就对学生举行了一次~的科举式的考试。(杨沫《青春之歌》495) A certain university re sponded so eagerly to the call that it sprang a complete surprise on the students this summer in the form of a test like the old imperial examinations.
❍ 潘四爷是个顶能干的好人,说个文明词,那就是~的头等人儿。(《曹禺选集·日出》175)Mr. Pan’s a good man,extremely able; to quote a modern phrase,he’s a “unique unprecedented first class type.”


unprecedented and unrepeatable;umque
第一次世界大战在历史上是空前的,但不是绝后的。World War I was the first of its kind in history,but not the last.

空前绝后kōnɡ qián jué hòu

以前未曾有过,今后也不会再有。比喻独一无二、非常难得。unique, unprecedented and unrepeatable, surpass the past and future, without either precedent and following up





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