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(贫穷) poor; poverty- stricken: ~ 山沟 a poor mountain village; ~ 得可怜 pitifully poor; 人 ~ 志不 ~。 One may be poor but never ceases to be ambitious. 我家相当 ~。 My family is pretty poor. Ⅱ ❶ (穷尽) limit; end: 无 ~ 无尽 endless; inexhaustible; 智 ~ at one's wits' end; 日暮途 ~。 The day is waning and the road is ending.
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 坚 Qiong Jian Ⅲ ❶ (彻底) thoroughly: ~ 究 make a thorough [exhaustive] inquiry; ~ 竭检查 have an exhaustive check-up
❷ (极端) extremely: ~ 奢极侈 extremely extravagant and luxurious
◆穷棒子 pauper; the destitute; 穷本极原 a thorough investigation; coming to the root of the matter; 穷兵黩武 exhaust all resources to build up one's military power; adopt a warlike policy; be militaristic; engage in unjust military ventures [aggressions]; exhaust the troops and engage in war; wage sanguinary wars; love wars and military exploits; use all one's armed might to indulge in wars of aggression; 穷不聊生 be reduced to dire poverty; 穷愁 hard up and depressed; 穷蹙 [书] in dire straits; poverty-stricken; 穷当益坚 The more hard-pressed, the more one must become steadfast and firm.; 穷冬 [书] midwinter; the depth of winter; 穷而后工 In poetry one gains depth after suffering.; Being disgraced one's writing would be skillful — the more adversity the author has, the better his writing is.; Literary excellence is achieved only after many frustrations.; 穷乏 poverty-stricken; destitute; 穷根究底 get to the bottom of it all; get down to bedrock; get to the bottom of the matter; go into the whys and wherefores of it; have the why and the wherefore; inquire thoroughly into; investigate thoroughly; probe to the bottom; search into the truth of; sift the matter to the bottom; 穷光蛋 [口] pauper; poor wretch; a penniless vagrant; 穷极思变 One will start thinking about changes when he is in extreme poverty.; 穷极无聊 be utterly bored; extreme boredom; absolutely senseless; disgusting; 穷家富路 practise thrift at home but be amply provided while traveling; be thrifty at home and spend liberally while travelling; 穷竭 [书] exhaust; use up; 穷尽 limit; end; exhaustion; 穷究 make a thorough inquiry; go into sth. seriously; 穷寇 hard- pressed enemy; totter ̄ing foe; 穷苦 poverty-stricken; impoverished; 穷匮 [书] be short of; be wanting in; 穷困 poverty-stricken; destitute; in straitened circumstances; 穷困潦倒 fall on evil days; be penniless and frustrated; crack up under the strain of poverty; in a state of utter poverty; in the grip of poverty; live a life of poverty; on the beach; 穷忙 be kept busy making the ends meet; very busy; fully occupied; 穷年累月 spend months and years; for years on end; year after year; 穷鸟入怀 An exhausted bird flew into one's bosom — driven by poverty to seek relief.; become sb.'s protege when one is down in his luck; be in a predicament and go and seek refugee with others; Having no place to shelter, the bird throws itself into a man's bosom.; 穷期 termination; end; 穷人 poor people; the poor; pauper; 穷日子 days of poverty; straitened circumstances; 穷山恶水 barren hills and turbulent rivers; barren hills and dearth of water; barren mountains and unruly rivers; rugged hills and turbulent waters; the barren hills and unruly waters; 穷奢极欲 be lapped [swathed] in luxury; corrupt way of life; extremely extravagant and luxurious; go to the extremes of extravagance; have every luxury; lead a life of immoderate luxury and sensuality; live a life of extravagance and depravity; live in wanton luxury; live like a fighting-cock; live on the fat of the land; (live a life of) wanton extravagance; 穷酸 poor and pedantic; 穷途 dead end; 穷乡僻壤 remote villages; a district shut off from the outside world; an obscure village; a remote, backward place; back lands; backwater; poor, out-of-the-way place; in the depth of the country; remote hinterland; rural retreat; the remotest corners of the countryside; 穷形尽相 describe in minute, vivid detail; give a penetrating description; appear in all one's ugliness; abject look; unprepossessing appearance; 穷凶极恶 behave in a vicious and unrestrained way; act outrageously and ferociously; atrocious; be extremely violent and wicked; be extremely [most] ferocious; diabolical; notoriously vicious; sinister [savage] in the extreme; utterly evil; villainous without any redeeming feature; wickedness and evil carried to the utmost possible degree; 穷原竟委 get to the bottom of the matter; go to the heart of the matter; inquire into the utmost details; make a thorough inquiry into sth.; make a thorough investigation of the antecedents and consequences; trace backward to the source and forward to the end; try to analyze [examine] the chain of cause and effect; 穷则思变 Poverty gives rise to the desire for change.; One will start thinking about changes when he is in extreme poverty.; 穷追 go in hot pursuit; 穷追猛打 hotly pursue and fiercely attack; vigorously pursue and fiercely maul





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