税shuì ❶ (征收的货币或实物) tax; duty; tallage; due: 船舶[船货] ~ dues on the vessel [cargo]; 出[进] 口 ~ export [import] duty; 房产 ~ house tax; 减 ~ reduce a tax; 纳 ~ pay taxes; 逃 ~ dodge [evade] a tax; 营业 ~ business tax ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 挺 Shui Ting ◆税单 tax list; 税额 the amount of tax to be paid; 税法 law of tax; tax law; tariff law; 税关 the customhouse; 税后利润 after tax profit; 税捐 duties; taxes; taxes and levies; 税款 tax payment; tax dues; tax money; taxation; 税率 tax rate; rate of taxation; tariff rate; tax ratio; 税目 categories of taxation; tax items; taxable items; 税收 tax revenue; 税务 tax administration; affairs pertaining to taxation; customs administration; 税则 tax regulations; tariff schedule; 税制 tax system; taxation; 税种 categories of taxes; items of taxation; tax categories |