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单词 shelter
shelter/′⨜eltǝ(r)/ nv [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)掩(遮)蔽,保(庇)护(protection or condition of being protected against windrainenemiesetc)[U]:seek~from the wind/the rain/the sun 找到地方避风/雨/日晒;(trees) give/afford (sb) some~from storm(树)(给某人)挡住了暴风雨;get under~隐蔽起来;give sb~for the night 为某人提供过夜的地方;under the~of a large tree 在一棵大树的遮蔽下;The basic necessities of life are food,clothing and~. 衣、食、住是生活的最基本需要。

(2)遮蔽物,庇护物(sth that provides cover or protection)[C](常构成合成词):a bus/bomb/air-raid/fallout~ 公共汽车站的候车亭/防空洞/防空洞/放射性微粒掩蔽所;

(3)收容所(institution providing protection for the homeless)[C]:a children's~儿童收容所;an animal~动物收容所;

v(1)掩(遮)蔽;保(庇)护(provide cover or protection)[T+nT+n+prep (from)]:~criminals/the homeless 窝藏罪犯/收容无家可归者;He~ed her from gossip. 他使她免受流言蜚语的骚扰。The wall~s the garden from the northwind. 这堵墙给花园挡住了北风。〖同〗protect,shield,cover,guard;〖反〗expose,expel;

(2)避难,躲避(be inor go into a place of shelter)[II+prep(from)]:~behind a hedge/in an old hut 躲在篱笆后/一间旧茅屋里;~from the rain/the trouble 躲雨/麻烦;

→′sheltered adj 可避风(雨)等的;不受坏事影响的





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