单词 | free |
释义 | free1 /fri:; fri/ adj (freer) /'frus (r); 'friw/, freest /Trust; 'friisl/ 1 (of a person) not a slave; not in the power of another person or other persons; not in prison; having personal rights and social and political liberty: (指人) 自由的; 不受别人控制的; 不在狱中的; 有个人权利及社交和政治自由的: The prisoners were pardoned and set 那些囚犯获赦金被释放。 Were the Pyramids built by slave labour or by ~ labour? 金字塔是由奴隶的劳工还足自由劳工筑成的? → also ~ labour below. 亦参看下歹 U 之 ~ labour, '~born adj inheriting liberty and rights of citizenship. 生而自由的。 '~man /-man; -man/ n (pl -men) person who is not a slave or a serf. 自由人; 自由良。 → also ~ man at (9) below. 亦参看下列第 9 义之 freeman。 2 (of a State, its citizens, and institutions) not controlled by a foreign government; having representative government in which private rights are respected: (指国家、国民、机关) 非由外国政府管辖的; 自主的: ~ democracies; 自由民主国家; Ruritania, the land of the ~. 理想国,自由人民的国家。 3 not fixed or held back; able to move about without hindrance; unrestricted; not controlled by rules, regulations or conventions: 雾的; 可不受阻碍而移动的; 不受约束的; 无拘束的; 随便的: leave one end of the rope ~, loose; 放髯绳子的一端; ~ hydrogen, not combined with another element. 游离氢。 You are ~ to go or stay as you please. 去或曲随徐的便。 Please feel ~ to ask questions. 请 WAF 问。 She is not ~ to marry, cannot do so, eg because she has to look after her parents. 她不能结婚 (例如因为必须照顾双 U) → One of the parts has worked ~, become loose, out of position. 、有一部分须脱了。 allow sb/ give sb/have a ~ hand, permission or discretion to do what seems best without consulting others. 给予某人 (有) 处理的自由。 ' ~ agent zi person who is ~ to act without restrictions. 行动不受限制者。 and-'easy adj unceremonious. 不拘礼的。 ~'Church, n a nonconformist Church. 国教派教会。 b Church not under State control. 浦立教盲。 l 'enterprise n the conduct of trade and industry with the minimum of State control. 自由企业 (工商业之经营不受国家控制) 。 ~ fall n fall from an aircraft at a ggt height without use of a parachute (until this is needed) : 自由降落 (高空跳伞时跳伞者最初不将伞打开,至必要时始打开): ~-fall parachutist. 自由降落的跳伞者。 L’fight, one in which anyone present may join; one without rules. 在场的任何人皆可参加的打斗; 混战。 for-all n dispute, quarrel, etc in which all are allowed to express their views, fight for their own points of view, etc. 可自由参加的%辩等。 '~hand adj (of drawings) done by hand with easy movements, no rules, compasses or other instrument being used: (指绘画) 凭手画的 (不借仪器的): a ~ hand sketch. 手画的略图。 I ~- 'handed adj generous; giving and spending money generously. 慷慨的; 出手大方的。 '~hold n (legal) (holding of) land in absolute ownership. (法律) 完全保有的土地; 土地之完全保有。 leasehold at lease. , ~-holder n person who possesses ~hold estate. 地产之完全保利人。 ' ~ house n (GB) public-house not controlled by a brewery, and able, for this reason, to stock and sell all brands of beer, etc. (英) 售资各种酒的酒店 (未受某家酒厂特约,可售资各种牌子的酒) 。 tied house at tie1, i ~ 'kick n (football) kick allowed for a penalty without opposition from any other player. (足球) 罚自由球。 'labour n workers not belonging to trade unions. 不属于工会的工人。 1 above. 参看上列第 1 义。 '~-lance /-Ians US: -laens : -'laens/ n a (in the Middle Ages) soldier ready to serve anyone for pay. (中世纪之) 佣兵。 (b) independent journalist, writer, etc earning his living by selling his services, wherever he can. 籍到处出资文稿等为生的自由记者、 作者等。 vi work in this way: 做自由写作者: He gave up his regular job in order to ~ lance. 他放弃了他固定的工作以便做自由投稿的写作者。 .—'liver n person who indulges ~ly in (esp) food and drink; 纵情享受(尤指吃喝)的人; hence, 由此产生, .—'living adj, n [U]. load vi [VP2A] (sl) (俚) - sponge(3); hence, 由此产生, ,~-'loader n i ~ 'love n [U] (old use) agreed sexual relations without marriage. (K 用法)自由性爱(同意无须结婚而发生性关系)。 ' ~ port n port open to all traders alike, with no trade restrictions, taxes, import duties, etc. 自由港。 ,—-'range adj (of poultry) allowed to range freely (contrasted with battery birds (指家禽)自由散居的(以别于饲养于固定房舍内者)。 [~'speech n [U] right to speak in public without interference from the authorities. 言论自由。, ~- 'spoken adj not concealing one's opinions; speaking or spoken frankly. 坦白的; 直言的。 i ~- 'standing adj not supported; standing independently so that it may be viewed from all sides. 不需要支持物的; 独立的(故自四方皆可观赏)。 '~stone n [U] easily sawn sandstone and limestone. 易锯断的砂石或石灰石; 软石。 '~style n [U] (swimming) race where the competitors choose their own stroke, usually the crawl. (游泳)自由选择方式的比赛(通常为自由式)。 .1 ~ -'thinker n person not accepting traditional religious teaching, but basing his ideas on reason. 不接受传统宗敎信仰而根据理智思考的人; 自由思想者。 Hence, 由此产生,, ~ thinking adj, i ~- 'thought n [U]. , ~-'trade n [U] trade not hindered by customs duties to restrict imports or protect home industries; 自由贸易(不以关税限制进口货或保护国内工业之贸易); hence, 由此产生,,~ 'trader n supporter of this principle. 赞成自由贸易者。 I ~ translation n not word for word, but giving the general meaning. 意译。 ~ 'verse n [U] without regular metre and rhyme. 自由体诗。 ' ~- way n (US) highway with several lanes; express way (美)高速公路。 ,~'wheel vi [VP2A, C] move along on a bicycle with the pedals at rest (as when going downhill); (fig) act or live without effort or constraint. 不踩踏板任脚踏车滑行(如下坡时); (喻)不费力或无约束地行动或生活。 ~ 'will n [U] individual's power of guiding and choosing his actions (subject to limitations of the physical world, social environment, and inherited characteristics): 自由意志: do sth of one's own ~ will, without being required or compelled, 自愿做某事。 '~will adj voluntary: 自愿的: a ~ will offering. 自愿的奉献。 4 ~ from, without: 无…的: ~ from blame/errorsanxiety; 不会受责难(无错误,无忧虑) 的; released or exempt from: 免去…的: ~ from the ordinary regulations. 免去箱常规则的。 ~ of, a outside: 在…之外: as soon as the ship was ~ of the harbour. 当船刚刚出港后。 b without: 无…的: a harbour ~ of ice. 不冻港。 At last I am ~ of her, have, got away from her. 我终于离开了她。 5 without payment; costing nothing: 免务的: ~ tickets for the theatre; 免费戏票; give sth away ~; 免费赠送某物; 50p post ~, 50p including cost of postage; 五十条士, 邮费在内; admission ~, 免费入场; ~ of income tax, on which income tax need not be paid, or has been paid in advance (eg dividends on shares). 免所得税(不需付所得税,或已预付过所得税,例如股息)。 (get sth) for ~, (colloq) without charge or payment. (俗)不要钱; 免费(获得某物)。 ~ ' ~- list n a list of persons (to be) admitted ~, eg to a theatre or concert-hall. 准许免费入场者(例如戏院或音乐厅的优待者)之名单。 b list of goods (to be) admitted ~ of customs duties. 免税货物表。 l 'pass n authority to travel etc without paying. (旅行等的)免费乘车证; 免票证。 , ~ on 'board, (abbr 略作 fob) (comm) where the exporter pays all the charges for putting the goods onto the ship. (商)船上交货; 出口港离岸交货(出口商负担货物上船费用)。 6 (of place or time) not occupied or engaged; not being used; (of persons) not having time occupied; not doing anything: (指地点或时间)未被占用的; 空着的; (指人)有空的; 闲着的: There will be no rooms ~ in the hotel until after the holidays. 旅馆的房间要在假期过后才有空。 Her afternoons are usually ~. 她下午通常看空。 She is usually ~ in the afternoon(s). 她通常卞午闲着。 have one's hands ~, a have them empty, not being used, 手空着。 b be in a position to do as one likes; have no work, or duties that demand attention, 可以自由行动; 没有需要料理的工作或职务。 be tied up at tie1. 7 coming or given readily; lavish; profuse: 随时有的; 慷慨的; 丰富的: a ~ flow of water; 水的畅流; ~ with his money; 他用我豪爽; ~ bloomers, plants that have a large number of blooms. 多尤的植物。 He is very ~ with his advice, willingly gives plenty of advice. 他很喜欢劝吿别人。 8 without restraint: 无拘束的: He is somewhat ~ in his conversation, not quite as proper or decent as he ought to be. 他讲话有点随便(讲话有些放肆)。 make ~ with sth/sb. use property, persons as if they were one's own: 随意使用他人之物; 对某人随便: He seems to have made ~ with my whisky while I was away. 在我离开时,他好像随便饮用了我的威士忌。 He is/makes rather too ~ with the waitresses/the wives of his friends, is too familiar or impudent in his behaviour. 他对女侍(朋友之妻)有些放肆。 9 make sb ~ of. give him the right to share in the privileges of a company, citizenship of a city; give him the unrestricted use of one's library, etc. 给予某人分享公司特权或市民资格之权利; 让某人任意利用书房等。 ~man /-man; -man/ n (pl -men) one who has been given the privileges of a city, usu a distinguished person. 享有市民特权的人; 市民; 荣誉市民。 1 above. 参看上列第 1 义。 ~ly adv in a ~ manner; readily. 自由地; 直率地; 随意地; 爽快地。 |
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