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单词 shell
shell/ ⨜el/ n & vt

n ((贝、果)壳,荚,甲(hard outside covering of an eggnutsnailtortoisefruitseedetc)[CU ]:egg/coconut/oyster/crab~s 蛋/椰/牡蛎/蟹壳;The turtle had an unusual pattern on its~. 这只龟甲上的图案不寻常。〖同〗case;

(2)框(骨)架;外壳(outer structure or framework of anythingesp if the contents are missing)[C]:the~of the building/boat/aircraft engine 房屋的框架/船壳/飞机发动机的外壳;burn the factory to a~把工厂烧得只剩个空架子;He lost all interest in life and became a mere~of a man. 他对生活失去一切兴趣,成了一个空躯壳了。〖同〗framework,skeleton;

(3)炮弹(metal case filled with explosives and fired from a gunetc.)[C]:a mortar~迫击炮弹;A~exploded right beside him. 一枚炮弹就在他身边爆炸了。 S~s burst over the enemy camp. 炮弹在敌人的阵地开花。〖同〗bullet,round,shot,bomb,missile,rocket;

come out of one's shell 不再羞怯(缄默):She was very quiet and reserved when she first went to school,but she's coming out of her~a bit now. 她刚上学时不爱说话,十分拘谨,现在开始有点活跃了。

go/retire/withdraw into one's shell 越发羞怯,沉默:After Mary's mother scolded her,she went into her~. 玛丽受到母亲责备后变得沉默寡言。

→shel′lac n 虫胶(片);′shell-proof a 防弹的;′shell-shock n 炮弹休克;′shell-shocked adj 患炮弹休克症的;震惊的;′shellfish n水生有壳动物;

vt(1)剥(……的壳)(remove the shell of sth)[T+n](AmE shuck):~peas/peanuts/walnuts/oysters 剥豌豆/花生/胡桃/牡蛎;

(2)炮轰,射击(fire explosive shells at)[T+n]:~the enemy/the fort/the enemy positions 炮击敌人/要塞/敌军阵地;〖同〗bombard,pound;

shell out (for sth)(v adv)付(交)款(vt & vi)(infml):I had to~out five pounds for the food.我得付五英镑的饭费。





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