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单词 移花接木

移花接木yí huā jiē mù

graft one twig on another—stealthily substitute one thing for another; palm off the spurious for the genuine; place a substitute by subterfuge; substitute the bad for the good
❍ 一则宝玉抱歉,欲安宝钗之心; 二则宝钗恐宝玉思郁成疾,不如稍示柔情,使得亲近,以为“~”之计。(《红楼梦》1404)Now Baoyu in his contrition wanted to set Baochai’s mind at rest,while she,for fear lest longing might drive him distracted,thought it best to show affection to win him over—to take Daiyu’s place in his heart.
❍ 断鹤续凫,矫作者妄;~,创始者奇。(《聊斋志异·陆判》)To chop short the crane’s legs and stretch the duck’s is the folly of artificiality,but grafting a flower to a tree is a marvel of creativity.

移花接木yí huā jiē mù

原指嫁接花草树木。现多比喻暗中耍弄花招,欺骗人。graft, palm off the spurious for genuine, graft and transplant





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