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单词 移民








❶migrate; emigrate (移出);immigrate(移入)
扼制和打击非法~combat (or curb and crack down on) illegal migration/大规模~ mass exodus/三峡~工程relocation projects of the Three Gorges area/申请成为永久性~apply for permanent immigrant status/入境~签证immigration visa/向内地~ emigrate to the interior of the country/~点settlement/~配额immigration quota/~证书immigration certificate/~法immigration law/~工人migrant worker/~局immigration office(or service)/~签证immigrant visa /~手续immigration procedure/《~就业公约》Convention concerning Migration for Employment(1974)/《关于在违法条件下~的公约》Convention on Migration in Abusive Condition (1975)
国际移民组织International Organization for Migration(IOM)
驻华联络处IOM Liaison Office in Beijing
联络处主任Head of Liaison Office
公安部出入境管理局Department of Entry and Exit Administration
移民与发展高级别对话会High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development(2006年9月)
移民与发展全球论坛Global Forum on Migration and Development(2007年7月)
亚太难民、流离失所者及移民问题政府间磋商论坛 Inter-governmental Asia-Pacific Consultations on Refugees,Displaced Persons and Migrants (APC)
“巴里进程”Bali Process—on People Smuggling,Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crimes
“科伦坡进程”Colombo Process—Ministerial Consultation on Overseas Employment and Contractual Labour
移民管理能力建设合作项目Capacity Building for Migration Management
文化培训cultural orientation programme
非法移民illegal(or irregular)migration
国内移民internal migration
劳工移民labor migration
贩卖人口human trafficking;trafficking in persons
偷渡者smuggled migrants
劳务输出(入)国labor sending(receiving)states
难民接收国resettlement countries
移民来源国、过境国、目的地国countries of origin,transition and destination
境外就业中介foreign employment agencies
出入境中介migration agencies
出入境管理政策border control policies
“国际合作,责任共担”原则international cooperation and burden sharing
出入境通行效率efficiency of border entry
按照“先核查,后遣返”的原则,只要经核实确系来自中国内地的中国籍非法移民,中方均将及时办理有关证件,并接受遣返China follows the principle of “verification before repatriation”. Once we establish that they are indeed Chinese nationals coming from the mainland,we will help them with their documents and accept repatriation
中方一向认为,在非法移民问题上不应采取双重标准,不应有选择地进行遣返China has always been opposed to double dealing or repatriation on a selective basis
中方坚决反对以“政治庇护”为名使非法移民问题政治化。这不利于非法移民问题的解决,也不利于双边人员正常往来China is firmly opposed to politicising the issue by treating irregular migrants as “political asylum-seekers”.This would neither help resolve the issue nor be it any good for normal people-to-people exchanges
部分中国公民在移民海外时经常在融入当地社会方面遇到一些困难Some Chinese nationals have difficulty with assimilation when moving abroad
个别国家不合理的国内限制性政策措施影响了合法移民的正常有序流动,一些国家将寻求庇护和非法移民混为一谈,甚至将政治因素掺入其中。The unreasonable constraints imposed by some countries have hampered the normal and orderly movement of people.Some have confused irregular migrants as asylum-seekers and made decisions based on political considerations.
既可减轻劳动力富余国家的就业压力,又可满足一些国家对外来移民的需求Help resolve oversupply of workers in some countries while meeting the labor needs in others





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