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单词 移山倒海

移山倒海yí shān dǎo hǎi

move mountains and drain seas—transform nature; exercise magic power
❍ 从人民和党那里,我们获得无限的力量,去~,开发矿藏,修建水闸,征服沙漠,把我们祖国建设成美丽的花园!(吴运铎《把一切献给党》157) From the people and our party,we draw strength to move mountains and seas,unearth underground treasures,build dams,conquer deserts and turn our country into a place of beauty.
❍ 老孙头坐在八仙桌子的旁边,歪着头说道:“还有薛丁山的媳妇樊梨花,能~,可不也是找着了天书?” (周立波《暴风骤雨》250) Sitting at the square table,Old Sun continued,with his head on one side: “Xue Dingshan’s wife Fan Lihua moved the mountain and overturned the sea,didn’t she? Wasn’t that because he had the Book of Heaven?”

移山倒海yí shān dǎo hǎi

搬动大山,倾翻大海。比喻人类征服自然、改造自然的巨大力量和雄伟气势。transform nature, exercise magic power, conquer and transform nature





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