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单词 fox
释义 fox1 /foks; faks/ n (fem vixen /'viksn; 'viksn/) wild animal of the dog family, with (usu) red fur and a bushy tail, preserved in Britain for hunting, and proverbial for its cunning. 狐。→ the illus at small, 参看 small 之插图。 fox glovv n plant with tall-growing spikes of purple or white flowers. 指顶花(一种开紫色或白色花的长穗花)。 fox-hole n (mil) hole in the ground used as a shelter against enemy fire and as a Tiring-point. (军)散兵坑。 'fox-hound n kind of hound bred and trained to hunt foxes, 猎狐犬。 'foxhunt n, adj chasing of, chase, foxes with hounds. 以猎犬猎狐。 Jox-'terrier n small and lively short-haired dog used for driving foxes from earths, or kept as a pet. 一种猎狐小犬(活泼的短毛小犬,用以自狐穴中逐狐,或养作宠物)。 foxtrot n (music for a) ballroom dance with slow and quick steps. 狐务舞; 狐步舞曲。 foxy adj crafty; crafty-lookirig. 狡猾的; 诿子放猾的。




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