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单词 科系

科系kē xìDepartments

病理学系[bìnɡ lǐ xué xì] department of pathology
材料科学系[cái liào kē xué xì] department of materials science
财税学系[cái shuì xué xì] department of public finance
大气物理系[dà qì wù lǐ xì] department of atmospheric physics
大众传播学系[dà zhònɡ chuán bō xué xì] department of mass-communication
德语系[dé yǔ xì] department of German
地理学系[dì lǐ xué xì] department of geography
地球科学系[dì qiú kē xué xì] department of globe science
地球物理学系[dì qiú wù lǐ xué xì] department of geophysics
地质学系[dì zhì xué xì] department of geology
电机工程系[diàn jī ɡōnɡ chénɡ xì] department of electrical engineering
电力工程系[diàn lì ɡōnɡ chénɡ xì] department of electric power engineering
电子工程学系[diàn zǐ ɡōnɡ chénɡ xué xì] department of electronic engineering
东方语言文学系[dōnɡ fānɡ yǔ yān wén xué xì] department of Oriental languages and literature
东欧语系[dōnɡ ōu yǔ xì] department of east European languages
俄罗斯语言文学系[é luó sī yǔ yān wén xué xì] department of Russian languages and literature
法律学系[fǎ lǜ xué xì] department of law
法语系[fǎ yǔ xì] department of French
高分子系[ɡāo fēn zǐ xì] department of polymer science
工程力学系[ɡōnɡ chénɡ lì xué xì] department of engineering mechanics
工程物理系[ɡōnɡ chénɡ wù lǐ xì] department of engineering physics
工商管理学系[ɡōnɡ shānɡ ɡuǎn lǐ xué xì] department of business administration
工业工程学系[ɡōnɡ yè ɡōnɡ chénɡ xué xì] department of industrial engineering
工业管理系[ɡōnɡ yè ɡuǎn lǐ xì] department of industrial management
公共管理系[ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ ɡuǎn lǐ xì] department of public administration & service
公共卫生学系[ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ wèi shēnɡ xué xì] department of public health
管理科学系[ɡuǎn lǐ kē xué xì] department of management science
国际贸易学系[ɡuó jì mào yì xué xì] department of international trade
国际政治学系[ɡuó jì zhènɡ zhì xué xì] department of international politics
航海学系[hánɡ hǎi xué xì] department of navigation
航空工程系[hánɡ kōnɡ ɡōnɡ chénɡ xì] department of aerial engineering
航运管理学系[hánɡ yùn ɡuǎn lǐ xué xì] department of transportation management
核子工程学系[hé zǐ ɡōnɡ chénɡ xué xì] department of nuclear engineering
合作经济系[hé zuò jīnɡ jì xì] department of cooperative economics
护理系[hù lǐ xì] department of nursing
化工机械系[huà ɡōnɡ jī xiè xì] department of chemical engineering mechanics
化学工程系[huà xué ɡōnɡ chénɡ xì] department of chemical engineering
化学系[huà xué xì] department of chemistry
会计统计学系[kuài jì tǒnɡ jì xué xì] department of accounting and statistics
机械工程系[jī xiè ɡōnɡ chénɡ xì] department of mechanical engineering
技术物理学系[jì shù wù lǐ xué xì] department of technical physics
计算机工程与科学系[jì suàn jī ɡōnɡ chénɡ yǔ kē xué xì] department of computer engineering and science
计算机科学系[jì suàn jī kē xué xì] department of computer science
计算机与信息系[jì suàn jī yú xìn xī xì] department of computer & information
家庭经济系[jiā tínɡ jīnɡ jì xì] department of home economics
家政系[jiā zhènɡ xì] department of home economics
建筑工程系[jiàn zhù ɡōnɡ chénɡ xì] department of architecture and civil engineering
建筑系[jiàn zhù xì] department of architecture
建筑与环境设计系[jiàn zhù yú huán jìnɡ shè jì xì] department of architecture & environmental design
交通管理系[jiāo tōnɡ ɡuǎn lǐ xì] department of communication management
教育系[jiào yù xì] department of education
解剖系[jiě pōu xì] department of anatomy
精密仪器系[jīnɡ mì yí qì xì] department of precision instrument
经济管理工程系[jīnɡ jì ɡuǎn lǐ ɡōnɡ chénɡ xì] department of economic management engineering
经济学系[jīnɡ jì xué xì] department of economics
考古学系[kǎo ɡǔ xué xì] department of archaeology
控制工程学系[kònɡ zhì ɡōnɡ chénɡ xué xì] department of control engineering
口腔医疗系[kǒu qiānɡ yī liáo xì] department of stomatology
昆虫系[kūn chónɡ xì] department of entomology
历史学系[lì shǐ xué xì] department of history
旅馆业行政管理系[lǚ ɡuǎn yè xínɡ zhènɡ ɡuǎn lǐ xì] department of hotel administration & management
美术系[měi shù xì] department of fine arts
农业工程系[nónɡ yè ɡōnɡ chénɡ xì] department of agricultural engineering
农业化学系[nónɡ yè huà xué xì] department of agricultural chemistry
农业教育系[nónɡ yè jiào yù xì] department of agricultural education
农业经济系[nónɡ yè jīnɡ jì xì] department of agricultural economics
农业推广系[nónɡ yè tuī ɡuǎnɡ xì] department of agricultural extension
农业系[nónɡ yè xì] department of agriculture
企业管理学系[qǐ yè ɡuǎn lǐ xué xì] department of business administration
汽车工程系[qì chē ɡōnɡ chénɡ xì] department of automotive engineering
热能工程系[rè nénɡ ɡōnɡ chénɡ xì] department of thermal engineering
人类学系[rén lèi xué xì] department of anthropology
社会民族学系[shè huì mín zú xué xì] department of sociology & ethnology
社会学系[shè huì xué xì] department of sociology
生理学系[shēnɡ lǐ xué xì] department of physiology
生物化学系[shēnɡ wù huà xué xì] department of biochemistry
生物学系[shēnɡ wù xué xì] department of biology
食品科学系[shí pǐn kē xué xì] department of foods science
视听学系[shì tīnɡ xué xì] department of audio-visual
兽医外科学系[shòu yī wài kē xué xì] department of veterinary surgery
兽医系[shòu yī xì] department of veterinary medicine
兽医学系[shòu yī xué xì] department of veterinary science
数学系[shù xué xì] department of mathematics
水利工程系[shuǐ lì ɡōnɡ chénɡ xì] department of hydraulic engineering
体育系[tǐ yù xì] department of physical education
天文系[tiān wén xì] department of astronomy
图书馆学系[tú shū ɡuǎn xué xì] department of library science
土木工程系[tǔ mù ɡōnɡ chénɡ xì] department of civil engineering
外交系[wài jiāo xì] department of diplomacy
外语系[wài yǔ xì] department of foreign languages
文学系[wén xué xì] department of literature
无线电电子学系[wú xiàn diàn diàn zǐ xué xì] department of radio-electronics
物理学系[wù lǐ xué xì] department of physics
西班牙语系[xī bān yá yǔ xì] department of Spanish
西方语言文学系[xī fānɡ yǔ yán wén xué xì] department of western languages and literature
西方语言系[xī fānɡ yǔ yán xì] department of western languages
细菌学系[xì jūn xué xì] department of bacteriology
新闻系[xīn wén xì] department of journalism
心理学系[xīn lǐ xué xì] department of psychology
信息工程学系[xìn xī ɡōnɡ chénɡ xué xì] department of information engineering
畜牧系[xù mù xì] department of animal husbandry
牙医学系[yá yī xué xì] department of dentistry
亚非语系[yà fēi yǔ xì] department of Asian-African languages
药剂系[yào jì xì] department of medicine
药学系[yào xué xì] department of pharmacy
医学工程学系[yī xué ɡōnɡ chénɡ xué xì] department of medical engineering
医学系[yī xué xì] department of medical science
医院行政管理系[yī yuàn xínɡ zhènɡ ɡuǎn lǐ xì] department of hospital administration
音乐系[yīn yuè xì] department of music
银行系[yín hánɡ xì] department of banking
英语系[yīnɡ yǔ xì] department of English
原子能系[yuán zǐ nénɡ xì] department of atomic energy
园艺系[yuán yì xì] department of horticulture
造船学系[zào chuán xué xì] department of naval architecture
哲学系[zhé xué xì] department of philosophy
政治经济学系[zhènɡ zhì jīnɡ jì xué xì] department of political economy
政治系[zhènɡ zhì xì] department of political science
植物系[zhí wù xì] department of botany
中国语言文学系[zhōnɡ ɡuó yǔ yán wén xué xì] department of Chinese language and literature
中文系[zhōnɡ wén xì] department of Chinese language and literature
中医学系[zhōnɡ yī xué xì] department of Chinese medicine
自动化系[zì dònɡ huà xì] department of automation





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