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单词 shape
shape/ ⨜eɪp/ nv [-d,-d/t/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)形状,外形,轮廓(external form or outline of anything)[CU]:the~of a garden/a vase 花园/花瓶的形状;the oval~of an egg 鸡蛋椭圆的形状;cars of different~s 不同外形的汽车;(sth) be round/oval/oblong in~(某物)呈圆/椭圆/长方形;like a lion in~形状像狮子;a devil in human~(fig)披着人皮的魔鬼;a candy in the~of a rabbit 一块兔形糖块;How do you want your physical~to change? 你想让你的体型变成什么样?Her hair's got no~. 她的头发没有型。The~of Italy resembles a boot when you look at it on a map. 从地图上看意大利的形状像一只靴子。What~is his head/his nose?他的头/鼻子是什么形状的?All circles have the same~. 所有的圆形状都相同。S~must be taken into consideration when you're planning your garden.你设计花园时必须考虑它的形状。houses in all~s and sizes 大小不同形状各异的房子;The sculptor worked the clay into a~of a woman. 雕塑家将泥做成一个女人的形状。〖同〗form,figure,outline,build;

(2)模糊的形状,朦胧的形象(indistinct form;sth that is difficult to see properly)[C]:see a~in the darkness 在黑暗中看见一个模糊的影子;A huge~loomed up in the mist. 一个巨大而朦胧的东西出现在雾霭中。The ship was just a dark~in the fog. 船在雾中显得朦朦胧胧的。A white~stood at her bedside. 一个朦胧的白色影子站在她床前。One could just distinguish a slim~in a short white dress. 你只能分辨出一个苗条的穿着白色短裙的模糊人影。〖同〗form,figure,outline;

(3)情况,状态(condition;state)[U](infml):(sb/company) be in good/bad~financially(某人/公司)财务状况良好/不佳;He is in poor~for a man of his age. 对像他这个岁数的人来说,他的身体是很差的。get into (good)~for the race 进入(良好的)参赛状态;theof things to come 未来事物的状况;〖同〗 condition,state,health;

(4) 1)模(型)(pattern or mould on or in which sth is made)[C]:a hatter's~帽店的模型;The little girl spent hours in the sandpit,happily filling~s with sand. 小姑娘在沙坑里愉快地玩了好几个小时,把沙子灌进模型。〖同〗model,pattern,mould; 2)果冻,用模子制作的东西(jellyetc made in such a mould)[CU]:She asked the boy to have some more~. 他让那男孩再吃点果冻。

get (oneself) into shape 锻练身体以保持健康:The young girl has been jogging a lot to get herself into~. 那姑娘一直坚持慢跑以保持体型。

get/knock/lick sth/sb into shape 使有条理(就绪):get one's ideas/speech into~使自己的想法成形/发言有条理;knock the team/the new recruits into~把队伍/新兵训练好;

give shape to sth 清晰地表达:have trouble giving~to one's thoughts in an essay 难于在一篇文章中清晰地表达自己的想法;

in any shape (or form)任何形式(种类)的(infml):I don't accept bribes in any~or form. 我不接受任何形式的贿赂。

in shape 处于健康(良好)状态:If you eat less and take more exercise,you will be in~. 如果你少吃多锻练,身体就会健康。Let's get things in~before the others arrive. 让我们在其他人到来之前把一切都弄好。

in the shape of sb/sth 呈……的形状,以……的形式:a garden (cake) in the~of a triangle/a heart 三角形/心形的花园(蛋糕);Help arrived in the~of a passing motorist. 一个路过的开车者提供了帮助。

out of shape 1)状况不佳,身体不适:He gets tired easily:he must be out of~. 他很容易疲劳,他一定身体有毛病。2)变形,走样:If you have your coat hanging on that nail,it will get out of~. 如果你把衣服挂在那个钉子上,它就会走形。

take shape 具体化,成形(型),形成:The plan is taking~in my mind. 计划正在我头脑中形成。The new building/boat gradually took~. 新楼/船逐渐成形。

→′shapeless adj 无定形的,不成样子(难看)的;′shapelessly adv 无定形(不成样子)地;′shapelessness n 无形状;′shapely adj 模样好看的,外形怡人的;′shapeliness n 匀称;

v(1)使成形,使具有……形状(give a certain form to sth)[T+nT+n+prep (into)]:A good teacher helps~a child's character. 一个好教师有助于塑造孩子的性格。~the clay into a vase/the sand into a mound/the dough into three separate loaves 把泥做成一个花瓶形状/将沙子堆成沙堆/把面团做成三个面包;~a pot/a figure out of clay用泥做罐子/塑像;(bird)~its nest from mud and sticks(鸟)用泥和枯枝筑巢;〖同〗form,mold,model,fashion,frame;make,create;

(2)影响,决定……的性质(influence sb/sth greatly;determine the nature of (sth))[T+n]:time at school which~d sb's future 影响某人未来的学校时代;(the event)~sb's whole life/sb's future career(这一事件)影响某人的一生/以后的生涯;His early life~d his attitude to women. 他的早期生活决定了他对妇女的看法。The powerful person can~events. 这个强有力的人能对事件产生影响。

(3)进(发)展(develop or become formed in a certain way)[II+adv (up)]:The new work system is~ing into a good system. 新的工作制度正发展成为一种良好的制度。(plan/work/things) ~ (up) well/nicely(计划/工作/事情)进展顺利;(new students/team)~up well(新生/队伍)发展情况良好;

(4)使(衣服)合体(make (a piece of clothing)fit the body closely)[T+n,尤pass]:(the jacket) be~d at the waist (夹克)腰身很合适





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