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单词 shame
shame/ ⨜eɪm/ nvt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)羞耻(愧),惭愧(painful feeling caused by the guiltwrongnessinabilityor failure of oneself or a close friendrelativeetc)[U]:feel great~at having flunked the test/having told a lie 由于考试不及格/说谎而感到羞愧;feel no~for one's action 对自己的行动不感到羞耻;be full of~at one's rudeness 因自己的粗鲁而羞愧;(memory) fill sb with~(想到某事)使某人羞愧难当;hang one's head/lower one's face/hide one's face in~羞愧得低下了头;A feeling of~came over him. 他感到羞愧。A blush of~came to his cheeks. 他的面颊因羞愧而发红。blush/flush with~因羞愧而脸红;To my~,I must confess... 我很惭愧,我必须承认…… 〖同〗guilt,self-disgust;〖反〗shamelessness,pride,self-respect,glory;

(2)羞耻(愧)感,羞耻心(ability to feel shame)[U]:be completely without~恬不知耻;He had no~and never felt guilty. 他厚颜无耻,从来也没有过负罪感。Some people have no (sense of)~. 有些人没有耻辱感。 Where there is~,there may in time be virtue. 有廉耻感才可能有美德。

(3)耻辱(dishonour or disgrace)[U]:bring~on sb/oneself 给某人/自己丢脸;Shame on you! 真丢脸! The news that he had accepted bribes brought~on his whole family. 他受贿的消息使全家人蒙受耻辱。〖同〗disgrace,dishonour,humiliation;〖反〗honour,credit,glory,esteem;

(4) 1)可耻的人(事)(sb or sth that causes shame)[Ua~](derog)(infml):It's a~to treat a child so cruelly/be so wasteful. 如此残酷地对待孩子/这么浪费太可耻。His behaviour at the party was a~to us all. 他在聚会上的举止令我们大家都感到羞耻。〖同〗disgrace; 2)遗憾,憾事(pity)[Ua~](derog)(infml):What a~! 太遗憾了! It's a~that you didn't come. 你没来,太遗憾了。To miss the chance of a holiday was a great~. 错过了度假的机会,真是太遗憾了。

put sb/sth to shame 1)使蒙羞:The child behaved so rudely that he put his father to~. 那孩子的举止如此粗鲁,使他父亲蒙受耻辱。2)使黯然失色:The cleanliness of European cities puts our cities to~. 欧洲的城市非常清洁,这使我们的城市相形见绌。

→′shamefaced adj 惭愧的,羞耻的;′shamefacedly adv 惭愧地,羞耻地;′shameful adj 可耻的,丢脸的;′shamefully adv可耻地,丢脸地;′shamefulness n可耻,丢脸;′shameless adj 无耻的,丢脸的,伤风败俗的;′shamelessly adv 无耻地,不要脸地,伤风败俗地;′shamelessness n 无耻,丢脸,伤风败俗;

vt(1)使感到羞愧(cause sb to feel shame)[T+n]:He was~d by his failure to pass the final test. 他因期终考试不及格而感到羞愧。It~ed him to know that his father was a thief.他知道了父亲是个小偷感到很丢脸。

(2)使蒙受耻辱,使丢脸(bring dishonour to)[T+n]:He has~d his parents by being sent to prison. 他被关进监狱,使他父母丢了脸。It's quite~ing that... ……,太丢脸了。〖同〗embarrass,humiliate,disgrace,humble;

shame sb into/out of doing sth 使痛感惭愧而(不)做:How can we~the boy out of beating his little sister? 我们怎样才能让那男孩感到羞耻而不再打他的妹妹呢?~sb into apologizing 使某人出于惭愧而道歉;

【辨异】shameembarrassment 都表示由于自尊心受到伤害时的痛苦感觉,但程度不同。shame 是由于认识到自己做了可耻或卑鄙的事产生的痛苦感觉,如:He felt shame at being caught in a lie.(他由于说谎被戳穿而感到羞愧。)embarrassment(困窘,尴尬)通常指比shame 程度较轻的痛苦感觉(困窘或尴尬等),如:embarrassment over breaking a teacup at a party(在聚会时因打破茶杯而感到尴尬)。





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