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单词 私淑弟子

私淑弟子sī shū dì zǐ

self-appointed disciples(/students) of a senior scholar whom they venerate;disciples who have not taken lessons directly under the master himself
❍ 予未得为孔子徒也,予私淑诸人也。(《孟子·离娄下》) Although I could not be a disciple of Confucius himself,I have endeavored to cultivate my virtue by means of others who were.
❍ 人们都认为她是王教授的得意门生,实际上只不过是他的~罢了。People considered her as one of the best students of Professor Wang. In fact she is only one of his disciples who have not taken his lessons directly.

私淑弟子si shu di zi

self-disciple(of a master one never studied under)





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