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禽流感bird flu;Avian Influenza(AI) 阻止~向人传播prevent the transmission of Avian Influenza to human beings/高致病性~highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)/低致病性~ low pathogenic avian influenza(LPAI)/国务院防控~联合领导小组State Council Joint Leading Group on AI Control/人~human cases (or versions)infections of AI/人~的病例cases of human in fection;infections in humans;humans with AI/亚洲~防控合作部长级会议Ministerial Conference for Asian Cooperation on HPAI Control/有效的人类及鸟类~监察系统 an effective surveillance system for influenza in birds and humans/预防~传入guard against the disease/~防控国际筹资大会International Pledging Conference on Avian and Human Pandemic Influenza 相关词汇 病原 causative agent 病原体 pathogen 病原微生物 pathogenic microorganism 传播途径 mode of transmission 传染性 infectivity 达菲 Tamiflu 发生过疫情地区 epidemic-stricken area 感染个案的地区(疫区) endemic areas;places with AI outbreak reports 机械传病媒介 mechanical vector 检测为阳性 turn out positive for (the H5N1virus);test positive for(AI) 交叉感染 cross-contamination 较易受到感染 susceptible to contracting the disease 抗原 antigen 抗原变体 antigenic variant 抗原变异 antigenic variation 抗原飘移 antigenic drift 抗原位移 antigenic shift 人畜共患(动物传染病)zoonosis (a disease communicable from animals to humans under natural conditions) 人与人之间传播 human-to-human transmission 生物安全措施 biosecurity measures 国际兽疫局 Office International des Epizooties(OIE) 世卫组织全球流感监测网络 WHO Global Influenza Surveillance Network 血清 serum 遗传物质 genetic materials 疑似疫情 suspected case 预防措施 precautionary (or pre-emptive,preventative)measures 自然免疫力 natural immunity 自然宿主 natural reservoir(of viruses) 自身抵抗力弱 patients with lower resistance |