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单词 shake
shake/ ⨜eɪk/ vshook/ ⨜ ʊk/,shaken/′⨜eɪkǝn/; -eing/ ɪ ŋ/];n

v (1)(使)震(抖,摇)动((cause sb/sth to)move to and froback and forthor up and down with shortjerky movements)[L+adjIT+nT+n+adv (about/around),C+n+adj]:a bolt~ing loose in an engine 发动机上震松的螺栓;The house/earth~s when trains go by. 火车经过时,房子/大地震动起来。(trees) be~ing in the wind.(树)随风摇动;~the bottle before taking the medicine 服药前要把药瓶摇一摇;The earthquake/strong wind/heavy steps~the house. 地震/大风/沉重的脚步使房子震动起来。~some pears down from the tree 从树上摇下来一些梨;The wet dog shook himself. 浑身湿透的狗抖掉身上的水。(bumpy car ride)~sb around a bit(颠簸的乘车旅行)颠得某人有点摇摇晃晃;(vibrations)~the panel loose(震动)震松了仪表盘;〖同〗vibrate,quake;
 (2)(指人或人的声音)发抖((of a person or sb's voice) tremble)[II+prep (with)]:He is~ing with cold/emotion/anger/fear/laughter. 他冷/激动/生气/害怕/笑得发抖。His voice shook (with emotion) as he told me the bad news. 他把坏消息告诉我时(由于激动)声音在发抖。〖同〗tremble,shiver;
 (3) 1)使心绪不宁,使震惊(烦恼)(disturb sb's mind;make sb feel worried;trouble or shock sb)[T+nT+n+adv (up)]:The mining disaster shook the town. 矿上的灾难使全城震惊。be badly shaken (up) by the bad news/the accident 为坏消息/事故而震惊;〖同〗 disturb,distress,frighten; 2)动摇,减弱(make less certain;weaken)[T+n]:~sb's courage/sb's belief/sb's determination 削弱某人的勇气/动摇某人的信念/动摇某人的决心;His lying shook my faith in him. 他的谎话动摇了我对他的信任。The currency crisis shook the economy. 货币危机动摇了经济。(theory) be shaken by the new evidence(理论)被新证据所动摇;〖同〗weaken;
 (4)握手(take and hold sb's right hand in one's own for a momentsometimes moving it up and downas a sign of greetinggoodbyeagreementetc)[T+nII+prep (on)]:~each other by the hand(~hands with each other)握手;We're agreed,so let's~(on it).(infml) 咱们意见一致,来握握手吧。
 shake the dust (of sth) off one's feet (shoes)离开令人不愉快的地方:If he wants me to work in his London office,he won't need to ask twice. I shall be glad to~the dust of this small town off my feet. 如果他想让我到他在伦敦的办公室去工作,他不必再说第二次,离开这个小镇我正求之不得呢。
 shake one's fist (at sb)(向某人)挥拳表示愤怒或威胁:He shook his fist at me and told me not to say that again. 他向我挥舞拳头,告诉我不许再那么说。
 shake one's head 摇头(表示不同意、悲伤或怀疑):She shook her head at the idea. 对这个主意她摇摇头。
 shake in one's shoes/boots 怕得发抖(infml):He was~ing in his shoes as the large dog moved towards him. 那条大狗向他靠近,他吓得直发抖。
 shake a leg(尤用于imper)快点,赶紧:Come on,~a leg! We'll never finish if you don't hurry up. 喂! 快点,你要是不抓紧,我们永远也干不完。
 shake like a leaf 因害怕(紧张)而颤抖:The teacher asked to see his work. The young boy stood up,~ing like a leaf. 老师要检查那男孩的作业,他抖得筛糠似地站了起来。
 shake down (v adv) 1)适应新环境(vi):The new teaching staff is~ing down well. 新来的教师们正在很好地适应新的工作和环境。 2)睡在临时的地方 (vi): ~down on the floor 临时睡在地板上; 3)敲诈,勒索 (vt)(AmE,infml):~down every small shopkeeper in the street for at least $100 敲诈这条街上的每一个小店主,让他们每人至少交出100美元; 4)彻底搜查(vt)(AmE,infml): The police had to~down every building in the street before they found the gunman. 警察彻底搜查了街上的每一幢建筑才发现了枪手。
 shake sth from/into/onto/out ofetc sth 把……抖出(进,到……上面):Wait a minute,I want to~the water from/out of my boots. 等一等,我要把水从我的靴子里抖出来。~scouring powder into the bath 把去污粉抖到浴缸里;
 shake off (v adv)摆脱(vt):~off a cold/a fit of depression/one's pursuers治好感冒/摆脱压抑情绪/摆脱追求者;
 shake sth off sth 从……抖掉(落):stamp one's feet to~the snow off his boots 跺脚弄掉靴子上的雪;
 shake out (v adv)抖(打)开(vt):~out a tablecloth/a sheet/a sail 抖开桌布/床单/帆;
 shake up (v adv) 1)摇匀,使混合(vt):~up the cocktail/the salad-dressing 摇匀鸡尾酒/沙拉汁; 2)使振作(vt):~up lazy boys 使懒惰的男孩子们振作起来;
 →′shaker n 摇动器,混合器;′shaking n 摇动,震动;′shakedown n 临时床铺;敲诈,勒索;彻底的搜查;(对飞机,船等的)最后测试;′shake-up,′shake-out n 大改组,大规模改革;
 n(1)摇(震,抖)动(act of moving from side to side or up and down)[C,通常sing]:He answered “no” with a~of the head. 他摇了一下头说 “不”。give sb/sth a~摇一摇某人/某物;The~of the speaker's hands betrayed his nervousness. 演讲者手的抖动暴露出他的紧张。
 (2)哆嗦,战栗(fit of trembling or shivering)[Cthes][接sing动词](infml):a fit of the~s 一阵颤抖;begin to get the~s just thinking about the test 一想到考试就开始打哆嗦;〖同〗trembling,shivering;
 in a couple of shakes/in two shakes 马上,立刻(infml):I'll be ready in two~s. 我马上就准备好。
 →′shaky adj 发抖的;摇摇晃晃的,不稳定的;′shakily adv发抖地;摇摇晃晃地,不稳定地;′shakiness n 发抖;摇摇晃晃,不稳定;
 【辨异】shaketremble都表示人或物的抖动或摇动。shake(颤抖)指快速的、突然的、通常是不均匀的摇动,造成人或物失去稳定和平衡,如:His hand was shaking so violently that he almost spilt his tea.(他的手颤动得这样厉害,差点把茶水都弄洒了。)tremble(发抖,战栗)通常指人由于恐惧、寒冷、虚弱或激动造成的不由自主的颤抖,如:He trembled with fear when he saw the policeman.(他看见警察时吓得直打哆嗦。)





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