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单词 shadow
shadow/′⨜ ædǝ ʊ, AmE ′-doʊ/ n & vtadj [无comp

n (1)阴影,影子(dark shape on a surface that is made when sth stands between a light and the surface)[CU]:in the~of a tree/a building/a cloud 在树阴下/一座楼的阴影中/一片云的阴影中;(tree) cast/throw a~on the floor(树)在地上投下阴影;In the evenings when the sun is low,~s grow longer. 傍晚太阳要落山时,影子变长。The earth's~sometimes falls on the moon. 地球的阴影有时投落在月球上。stay in~处于阴影中;By 6:00p.m. this part of the garden is in~. 到下午6点时,花园的这一部分处于阴影之中。We were so happy till the~of her illness fell across our lives.(fig)在我们的生活蒙上她生病的阴影之前,我们是如此地幸福。〖同〗reflection;

(2)黑斑,黑的部分 (dark patch or area) [C]:You look tired—you have~s under/round your eyes. 你看上去很累,眼下面/周围有黑圈。

(3)不完全的黑暗,阴暗处(partial darkness;shade)[pl]:He could see a figure standing in the~s. 他能看见阴影里站着一个人。a suspicious-looking man lurking in the~s 一个形迹可疑的人潜伏在暗处;the~s of evening 暮色;〖同〗shade;

(4)形影不离的伙伴,追随者;盯梢者(very close companion or follower;person who follows sb secretly in order to keep watch over him)[C]:(dog) be his master's~(狗)和它的主人形影不离;The secret policemen had to be the prime minister's~s day and night. 秘密警察日夜不离首相左右。a police~盯梢的警察;(the police) put a~on the suspected robber(警察)派人盯住那个抢劫嫌疑人;

(5)模糊或不真实的东西(sth that is weak or unreal)[C]:catch at~s 捕风捉影;run after a~追逐不现实的东西;

(6)丝毫(slightest bit;very slight amount)[Csing](通常neg):without a~of suspicion/(a) doubt 毫不怀疑;true beyond the~of a doubt 千真万确;no~of an excuse 毫无借口;There's not a~of justification for his behaviour. 他的举止毫无道理。〖同〗trace,shade,bit;

(7)强烈影响;威胁(strong influence;oppressive threat)[Uthe~][N (of)]:live in the~of one's famous father 在父亲盛名的庇护下生活;the~of the coming (possible) war/catastrophe/invasion 即将降临(可能发生)的战争/灾难/侵略的威胁;His whole life has been affected by the~of the early tragedy. 他的一生一直受到这早年发生的悲剧的影响。

a shadow of one's/its former self(力量或影响)不及以前:After his illness he was only a~of his former self. 他病好了之后,体力不如以前。

→′shadowy adj 有影的,多阴凉的;似阴影的,模糊的;′shadow-box v 与假想对手打拳;′shadow-boxing n 与假想对手打拳;

vt(1)投阴影于(cast a shadow on)[T+n]:The grass is~ed by huge oaks. 这块草地被大橡树挡住了光。A broad hat~ed her face. 一顶宽宽的帽子遮住了她的脸。

(2)跟踪,盯梢(follow sb about secretly in order to keep watch over his movement)[T+n]:(detective/policeman)~a suspect/a criminal(侦探/警察)跟踪一个嫌疑犯/罪犯;We~ed him for a week. 我们跟踪他一个星期了。He felt he was being~ed. 他感到自己正在被盯梢。〖同〗follow,tail,trail,hound,track,pursue;

adj 影子内阁的(belonging to a group of politicians in the opposition party who each study the work of a particular minister and are themselves ready to form a government):the S~Cabinet/Foreign Secretary 影子内阁/外交大臣;

【辨异】shadowshade的区别见 SHADE。





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