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单词 shade
shade/ ⨜eɪd/ nv [-d,-d/ ɪd/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)荫,阴凉处(area of darkness under or next to an object such as a treewhere the sun cannot reach)[U][N(from)]:It's cooler in the~. 阴凉地比较凉快。We sat in the~of a big tree/umbrella. 我们坐在一棵大树/一把大阳伞的阴凉里。The trees provided some~from the sun. 那些树遮住了太阳,形成一片阴凉。 〖同〗shadow,dusk;〖反〗sunlight,sunshine,light,brightness;

(2)遮光物(sth that screens or shelters sb or sth from light or heat)[C](常构成合成词):a sun/lamp/window~阳伞/灯罩/遮光帘;an eye-~ 遮阳帽檐;a lamp with a green~有绿色灯罩的灯;Pull down the~s of the windows. 放下遮阳帘。the~s (AmE)太阳镜;〖同〗screen,curtain,blind,cover;

(3)夜(暮)色(darkness at the end of the day)[pl][N (of)](fml):the~s of evening 暮色;The~s of night were falling fast. 夜色迅速降临。

(4)(图画等的)阴暗部分(shadow or darkness in a pictureetc)[U]:light and~in a drawing 一幅画中的明暗;

(5)差别细微的颜色,色度(slightly different colour)[C]:several~s of blue 几种深浅不同的蓝色;choose a lighter~of green 选择一种较浅的绿色;I like the shirt in this~. 我喜欢颜色这样深浅的衬衣。〖同〗colour,tone;

(6)细微的差别(a slight difference)[C][N(of)]:a word with several~s of meaning 有多层细微语义的单词;all~s of opinion 各种各样的意见;There's only a~of difference between the two candidates. 两个候选人的差别甚微。〖同〗trace,suggestion,hint;〖反〗lot,abundance;

(7)少量(许),稍稍(a little bit)[Ua~]:a~warmer/better 暖和/好一些;sing a~too loud 唱得声音有点太响;a~under forty miles 差一点不到40英里;societies only a~less complicated than our own 只比我们自己的社会略为简单一点的社会;speak with a~of impatience 有点不耐烦地说;

(8)使人想起某人(某物)的事物(reminder of sb or sth)[pl][N (of)](infml):S~s of my old father! He would have agreed with all they've said. 真像我老爸! 他们的话他都会同意。In some modern fashions one can see~s of the 1960's. 在某些现代时装中,我们可以看到上世纪60年代款式的影子。

(9)幽灵,阴(鬼)魂(spirit;ghost;soul after death)[C](fml):the~s of his former companions/dead ancestors 他以前同伴/已故祖先的阴魂;

put sb/sth in the shade 使黯然失色(相形见绌):She is so beautiful that she puts her sister in the~. 她太漂亮了,使得她妹妹(姐姐)黯然失色。

→′shady adj 遮(成)阴的,阴凉的;可疑的,靠不住的,声名狼藉的;′shadily adv 遮(成)阴地,阴凉地;可疑地,靠不住地,声名狼藉地;′shadiness n 多阴;阴暗;隐蔽;可疑性;

v(1)遮住(挡)(光、热)(shelter sb/sth from light or heat;screen)[T+nT+n+prep(from)]:Trees~the street. 这条街道绿树成阴。~the light with a dark cloth 用黑布罩着灯光;put up one's hand to~one's eyes from the sun(~one's eyes (from the sun) with one's hand)用手搭凉棚遮住眼睛(以避阳光);These plants don't like much sunshine,so I'm growing bushes here to~them (from the sun). 这些植物不喜太多的阳光,因此我在这里种一些灌木遮挡它们(免晒阳光)。〖同〗screen;〖反〗light,lighten,uncover;

(2)画出明暗层次(darken to represent the effects of light and shade in (a painting))[T+nT+n+adv(in)]:~the foreground more heavily 再把前景涂暗一些;~(in) this area to represent the building's shadow 把这部分涂暗表示出建筑物的影子;the~d areas on the map 地图上以深颜色标示的地区;

(3)(尤指色彩)渐变((esp of colours) change slowly or by slight degrees) [I I+prep (into), I+prep(from/into),I+adv (off)+prep (into)]:(leaves)~into gold and red(树叶)变成金色和红色;a colour that~s from red into pink 由红逐渐变粉的颜色;The colour of the sky~d (off) into wonderful pinks and greens. 天空的颜色逐渐变成漂亮的粉色和绿色。innocence~ing into ignorance 天真逐渐变成无知;

→′shading n 绘画明暗的运用;′shady adj 遮阴的,成阴的,阴凉的;可疑的,靠不住的,声名狼藉的;

【辨异】shadeshadow都暗示局部黑暗或比周围环境黑暗的事物。shade(阴凉地)表示由于光线不能直接照射而较暗或较凉的一块地方,如:the shade of a tree(树遮住的一片阴凉);shadow(影子)通常指挡住光线的物体产生的影子,如:the shadow of a dog (狗的影子);阳光下的一根铁丝,只能产生shadow,但不会有shade





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