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单词 sex
sex/seks/ n [-es/ ɪz/];vt [-es/ ɪz/]

n (1)性(别)(fact or character of being male or female)[U]:What~is the baby/the dog? 那婴儿是男孩还是女孩/那狗是公的还是母的?Help them all,without distinction of race,age or~. 给他们每个人以帮助,不要分种族、年龄或性别。It is illegal to refuse a job to a woman on the ground of her~. 由于性别而拒绝雇用妇女工作是违法的。~discrimination 性别歧视;〖同〗gender;

(2)(根据生殖功能而划分的)男(女)性,雌(雄)性(either of the two classes (male and female) into which human beings and animals are divided according to the part they play in producing children or young)[C]:the male/female~男(雄)/女(雌)性;conflicts/battles between the~es 两性之间的冲突/斗争;It is often difficult for the~es to understand each other. 两性之间相互理解经常是很困难的。the~organs 性器官;

(3)性交(act of sexual intercourse)[U][N(with)]:have~(with sb)(与某人)性交;Many people think~outside marriage is always wrong. 很多人认为婚外性关系总是错误的。〖同〗lovemaking;

(4)性行为(吸引,感)(activities that lead to and include sexual intercourse;the attraction drawing one sex toward another)[U]:Is there a lot of~in that film? 那部电影里有很多性爱镜头吗?differences of opinion about teaching~in the schools 有关在学校里教性知识的意见分歧;~appeal/act/life 性感/交/生活;a~magazine/manual/shop 性杂志/性知识手册/性用品商店;

vt鉴别(某生物的)性别(find out whether an animal is male or female)[T+n]:~day-old chicks 鉴别出生一天的小鸡的性别;

→′sexism n(对女性的)性别歧视;′sexist adj 性别歧视的;′sexless adj 无性的,无雌雄特征的;无性欲(感)的;se′xology n 性学;se′xologist n 性学家;′sexual adj 关于性(行为)的;′sexy adj 关于性的;有性欲的;性感的;引起性欲的;色情的;有性欲的;′sexily adv 引起性欲地;色情地;′sex-starved adj 缺少性交机会的,性饥渴的





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