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单词 神采奕奕

神采奕奕精神奕奕shén cǎi yì yì

as fit as a fiddle (/flea); beaming and buoyant; be full of beans (/vigour); brim with energy and vitality;glowing with health and radiating vigour; in buoyant(/excellent/high) spirits;in good (/fine/fair)fettle; sprightly;life-like; smart and healthy
❍ 此时,在座的连各标代表共约二十来位,个个都精神奕奕。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—238) All of the twenty or more men including the representatives of the various regiments who attended the meeting that night looked full of vigour.…/季交恕率同教练官廖湘芸穿上夹军服,挂上东洋刀,精神奕奕的在襄河边前线上,拿着望远镜,察看一周。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—284)Dressed in fairly warm uniforms,with their swords hanging frow their belts,the two of them were in high spirits as they looked over the positions through the tele scope.
❍ 旁边一个人,举起了手,五指其舒,又张开了口,双眼看着盘内,真是~。东家看了,十分欢喜,以为千金不贵。(吴趼人《廿年目睹之怪现状》354) On one side a man was raising his hand,with all five fingers stretched out and with his mouth open. Both of his eyes were looking with a fixed gaze at the dish. It was such a life-like picture that the would-be customer was simply delighted with it and did not consider the price of a thousand taels too high.
❍ 立安穿着一件蓝纱布棉袍,脚下穿着一双黑皮鞋,个子高过我一头还多,在灯光下,显得~。(陶承《我的一家》 70) Li’an was dressed in a blue cotton suit,and in his leather shoes he was a head taller than I. He looked smart and healthy.

神采奕奕shén cǎi yì yì

奕奕:精神焕发的样子。形容精神旺盛,容光焕发。glowing with health and radiating vigour, in good fettle, in high spirit, brim with energy and vitality





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