释义 |
神气活现shén qì huó xiànas proud as a peacock;be high and mighty; be on the high ropes; give oneself airs; highty-tighty; hoity-toity; lively and spirited;overbearing; pompous; puffed up with self-esteem;smug; swaggering; swell with pride; very cocky;with an air of importance ❍ 林忠看到对方这副神气,心想一个~的人,现在竟折磨成这个样子。(知侠《铁道游击队》445) His former cheerfulness and self-complacency had given way to despondent melancholy. Lin Zhong could not help feeling sorry for him. ❍ 不是我伤心,我现在的日子不好过,单是林宛芝那个~的样子,我就受不了。(周而复《上海的早晨》19) It’s not my miserable existence that upsets me,it’s the way Lin Wanzhi gives herself airs,I can’t bear it. ❍ 马秉仁~地坐到椅子上,皮笑肉不笑地说:……(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》23)Seated smugly in a chair,Ma said with a forced smile,…/张金龙~的指着说:“瞧吧,这是汉奸刘开堂的脑袋!我张金龙不费吹灰的力气,一时三刻就把他弄来了。…… “(袁静《新儿女英雄传》101) “That’s the head of the traitor Liu,” he crowed,swelling with pride. “I Jinlong,took it as easily as blowing away a speck of dust…” 神气活现shén qì huó xiàn形容自以为了不起而轻视别人。very cocky, grow cocky, stuffed shirt, high and mighty, be on the high ropes |