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单词 foot
释义 foot1 /fut; fut/ n (p/feet) /fkt; fit/ 1 part forming the lower end of the leg, beginning at the ankle; part of a sock, etc covering the ~: 足; 脚; (机子等的) 脚部: A dog has four feet. 狗有四只足。 A dog's feet are called paws. 狗足袖作爪。 He rose to his feet, stood up. 他站了起来。 → the illus at leg. 参看 leg 之插图。~, a walking, not riding. 徒步; 步行。 Cf 参裘 by bus/car/tram, etc. 乘公共汽车 (汽车,电车等) 。 b (fig) started: (喻) 已经开始: A project is on ~ to build a new tunnel here. 在此建一新隧道的计划已经开始。 be on one's feet, a be standing: 站善: I've been on my feet all day. 我站了一整天。 b rise (to speak) : 起立 (以发言): The Minister was on his feet at once to answer the charge. 部长即刻起立答复那项指控。 c (fig) be in good health after an illness: (喻) 痊愈; 复元: It's nice to see you on your feet again. 很高员看到你已复元 To fall on one's feet, (colloq) _ be fortunate, have good luck. (俗) 幸运; 有好运。 find one's feet. find2 (2). have feet of day, be weak or cowardly. 衰弱; 怯懦。 have one ~ in the grave, be near death, eg because of old age. 死期不远; 行将就木 (例如因辛迈) 。 keep one's feet, not fall, eg when/walking on ice. 不跌倒 (如行走于冰上时) 。 put one's ~ down, (colloq) object; protest; be firm. (俗) 反对; 抗议; 坚持立场。 put one s ~ in it, (colloq) say or do sth wrong or stupid; blunder. (俗) 说错话或做错事; 犯错误。 put one s feet up, (colloq) rest with the legs in a horizontal position. (俗) 将腿于放着休息。 put one's best ~ forward, walk (fig, get on with one's work) as fast as one can. 尽快往前走; (喻) 全力以赴。 set sth/sb on its/his feet, make it/him self-supporting, no longer in need of help. 使某事物 (或某人) 自立。 set sth on ~, start it; get it going. 发动; 开始。 sweep sb off his feet, fill him with strong enthusiasm. 使某人狂热。 under ~, on the ground: 在地上: wet under 地上湿。 wait on/bind sb hand and ~, chand ⑴ .2 step, pace, tread: 脚步; 步法; 步态 light/swift/fleet of ~, stepping or walking lightly, swiftly, etc. 脚步辖快 (疾速) 的。 3 lowest part; bottom: 底部 : - at the ~ of the page/ladder/ wall/mountain. 在页底 (梯脚,脏根,山脚) 。 4 lower end of a bed or grave. (床铺或坟墓之) 尾端。 head1 (10). 5 measure of length, — 12 inches: 呎 (十二吋); 英尺: ( with pl unchanged) (复数不变) George is very tall—he's six ~ two (six feet two inches). 乔治根高,他有六呎二吋。 6 division or unit of verse, each with one strong stress and one or more weak stresses, as in: for 'men/may 'come/ and 'men/may 'go. 音步 (诗行的区分或单位,每一音步有一重音节和一个或多个非重音节,如 for 'men/ may 'come/and 'men /may 'go) → 7 [U] (mil, old use) infantry: (军, 旧用函步宾: the Fourth Regiment of F~; 第四步兵团; ~ and horse, infantry and cavalry. 务宾和骑兵。 8 (compounds) (复合字) ,~-and-'mouth disease, disease of cattle and other cloven-hoofed animals. 口蹄病; 鹅口疮 (牛羊等的一种病) 。 ' ~ .ball [C] inflated leather ball used in games; [U] the game played with it. 足球:足球戏; 足球运蓟。 → the illus below and at Rugby. 参看附图及 Rugby 之插图。 ‘ bath n (small bath used for a) washing of the feet. 濯足; 濯足具; 洗脚盆。 ~ board n sloping board for the feet of the driver (in a carriage, etc). (马车等驾驶者之) 踏板。 '~-bridge n one for the use of persons on ~, not vehicles. 人行桥; 天桥。 '~fall n sound of a ~ .step. 脚步声。 '~fault n (tennis) service not allowed because the server's feet are wrongly Placed. (网球) 足部失误 (发球时足部踩线等); 发球犯规。 ,~hills n pl hills lying at the ~ of a mountain or a range of mountains. (山或山脉之) 山麓小丘。 '~-hold n support for the ~, eg when climbing on rocks or ice; (fig) secure position. 立足处 (如搴登山岩或冰时); (喻) 据点; 立足点。 '~lights “ pl row of screened lights at the front of the stage of a theatre. (H 台上的) 脚灯。 the ~ lights, (fig) the profession of an actor. (喻) 演员的职业。 -' ~- loose adj (also 亦作 ~ loose and fancy-free) independent and without cares or responsibilities. 自由自在的; 无拘束的。 '~man /-man; -man/ n (pl 、 -men) manservant who admits visitors, waits at table, etc. 男仆; 图者; 侍者。 '~mark n = ~ print, '→note n note at the ~ of a page. 注脚 (印于页底者); 附注。 '~path n path for the use of persons on ~, esp one across fields or open country, or at the side of a country road. (田野中的) 小禽; 小路。 Cf 参较 US 美 trail. cpavement, sidewalk at side1 (14). '~plate n platform in a locomotive for the driver and fireman: 火车机车上司机和火伕所立之平台: ~ plate workers, drivers and firemen. 火车司麻与火伕。 '~-pound n unit of work (done in lifting 1 lb through 1 ft). 呎磅 (使一磅之物升高一呎所做的功) 。 ' ~-print n impression left on a soft surface by a ~ .' 足迹; 脚印。 ~-race n running rqe between persons. 囊跑; 竞走。 ' ~ rule n ruler (strip of wood or metal) 12 inches long. 一呎长的尺。 '~-slog vi (colloq) walk, tramp, march far and with effort. 、 (俗) 长途费力地步行或行军。 Hence, 由此产生, ' ~- slogger n (colloq) person who walks or marches long distances. ' ( 俗) 长途步行或行堆者。 '~sore adj having sore feet, esp from walking. 足痛的 (尤指因走路过多而引起者) 。 '~step n (sound of a) step of sb walking; ~ print. 脚步; 脚步声; 足迹; 脚印。 follow in one's father's ~ steps, do as he did. 效法自己的父亲。 '~stool n low stool for resting the feet on. 脚凳。 '~sure adj not stumbling; not making false steps. 脚步穏的; 不会走错步的。 '~wear n [U] (tradesmen's term for) boots, shoes, etc. (商人用语) 脚上穿用之物 (如靴,鞋等) 。 '~work n [U] manner of using the feet, eg in boxing, dancing. (拳击,跳舞等之) 步法。




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