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❶ (神灵) god; deity; divinity: 爱 ~ the god [goddess] of love; Venus; Aphrodite; cupid; 海 ~ the god of the sea; 河 ~ a river god; 酒 ~ the god of wine; 门 ~ door-god; 天 ~ god; deity; 墨丘利是商业之 ~。 Mercury was the presiding divinity over commerce.
❷ (精神; 精力) spirit; mind: 闭目养 ~ close one's eyes and rest one's mind; 耗 ~ take up one's energy; 凝 ~ concentrate [focus] one's attention; 走 ~ be absentminded; 他双目炯炯有 ~。 He has a pair of bright piercing eyes.
❸ (神气; 神情) expression; look: 眼 ~ expression in the eyes
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 曜 Shen Yao Ⅱ ❶ (特别高超或出奇的; 令人惊异的) supernatural; magical: ~ 效 magical [miraculous] effect; ~ 医 miracle-working doctor
❷ [方] (聪明; 机灵) smart; clever: 这孩子真 ~ ! What a smart child! 这家伙 ~ 了! This fellow is incredible!
◆神不守舍 have ants in one's pants; absent-minded; delirious; mentally wandering; out of one's mind; soul departed from its abode; 神不知, 鬼不觉 unknown to god or ghost; in complete secrecy; in great secrecy; (do sth.) without anybody knowing it; without a stir; without even the spirits knowing about it; clocked in extreme secrecy; mysterious; 神采 expression; look; 神采飞扬 in high spirits; in good [full] feather; 神采奕奕 be in good [fine] fettle; as fit as a fiddle; beaming and buoyant in spirits; brim over with health and spirits; brim with energy and vitality; bursting from head to foot with health and spirits; full of beans; full of spirit and energy; glowing with health and radiating vigour [vitality]; in fine [fair; good] fettle; in good spirits; in high spirits; look as if one came [stepped] out of a bandbox; on top of the world; with a radiant look; 神差鬼使 messengers of the gods and spirits; a curious coincidence; as if urged [driven] by gods and ghosts; at the behest of supernatural powers; doings of gods and ghosts; effected by supernatural means; unexpected happenings; 神出鬼没 come and go like a shadow; act swiftly and wittingly; alert and quick; divinely appearing and demonically vanishing; with great dexterity and preternatural swiftness; appear and disappear in quick succession; appear and disappear mysteriously; appear like a god and disappear like a demon; be elusive; be slippery as an eel, elusive as a ghost; creep about as silently as a ghost; like the gods going out, and devils coming in; One's comings and goings are not human.; 神道 sayings about spirits and deities and fortune and disaster; [口] god; deity; divinity; path leading to a tomb; {穴位} Shendao (GV 11); 神道碑 tombstone; gravestone; tablet on the side of a tomb giving biographical sketch; inscriptions on a tombstone [gravestone]; 神殿 temple; 神甫[父] Catholic father; priest; 神工鬼[巧]斧 “divine” workmanship — extremely skillful; extraordinary as if done by the spirits; superlative craftsmanship; supernatural [uncanny; extremely skillful] workmanship; the secret workings of nature; 神怪 gods and spirits; 神鬼 supernatural; 神汉 sorcerer; miraculist; 神乎其神 make [present]... as sth. miraculous; marvelous; divine; fantastic; mysterious; supernatural; wonderful; 神化 deify; be deified; apotheosis; 神话 mythology; myth; fairy tale; 神魂 state of mind; mind; 神魂不定 be deeply perturbed; be distracted; frightened [depressed]; have the jitters; out of one's wits; 神魂颠倒 be entranced; be carried away with; be dead gone on; be in a confused state of mind; be infatuated; be out of one's wits; crazy with longing for a loved one; enrapt; go into ecstasies over ...; lose one's mind [head]; melt away; one's heart in torment; One's mind is confused.; with ecstasy; 神机妙算 One's methods are more than human.; a divine plan; ability to divine the unknown; clever strategy and shrewd tactics; crafty planning; divine strategy and shrewd calculation; miracle of foresight; remarkable prediction of things to come; superb strategy; wonderful foresight (in military operations, etc.); wonderful stratagems as if conceived by divine beings; 神交 be spiritually attracted to a friend one has not met; 神经 nerve; nervus; 神经病 neuropathy; nervous disease; mental disorder; 神经错乱 take leave of one's senses; beside oneself; blow one's top; mental disorder; 神经根 nerve root; 神经管 nerviduct; 神经过敏 {医} neuroticism; hyperaesthesis; neurotic; oversensitive; supersensitive; diabolically nervous; {心理} nervouseness; hypersensi ̄ tive; [俚] allergic; [美俚] cuchy; 神经节 ganglion (pl. ganglia; ganglions); 神经细胞 subnucleus; cellula nervosa; 神经纤维 nerve fibre; 神经元 {组织} neure; neuron; nerve cell; 神经质 nervous tissue; nervousness; 神经组织 nervous tissue; neur-; neuro-; 神龛 baldachine; a shrine for idols or ancestral tablets; 神力 superhuman strength; extraordinary power; 神灵 gods; deities; divinities; 神秘 mysterious; mystical; 神妙 wonderful; marvellous; ingenious; 神明 gods; deities; spirit; divinities; 神女 goddess; prostitute; 神炮手 crack gunner; 神祗 [书] gods; deities; 神气 expression; air; manner; spirited; vigorous; putting on airs; cocky; overweening; 神气活现 be on the high ropes; act in a proud way; as proud as a peacock; give oneself airs; high and mighty; lively and spirited; looking self-satisfied; look truculent; puffed up with self-esteem; very cocky; walk heavy; with full-blown dignity; with one's nose in the air; 神气十足 put on (grand) airs; extremely pompous; grow cocky; looking very dignified; lordly; overbearing; overweening pride; patronizing; proud as a peacock; very arrogant; with great show of pomp and circumstance; 神枪手 sharpshooter; crack shot; expert marksman; 神情 expression; look; 神曲 {中药} medicated leaven; 神权 religious authority; theocracy; rule by divine right; 神人 immortal; (of Taoism) one who has obtained the status of sainthood; one with an extraordinary appearance; 神色 expression; look; 神色自若 look unperturbed; be perfectly calm [cool] and collected; in an assured condition; show composure and presence of mind; with an easy, self-possessed mien; 神圣 sacred; holy; 神圣不可侵犯 sacred and inviolable; holy and inviolable; 神思 state of mind; mental state; 神思恍惚 be lost in a reverie; at a loss; be in a disturbed [confused] state of mind; distracted; distraugh; entrancement; grow quite bemused; in a state of mental confusion; One's mind does not function clearly.; suffer from dizzy spells; 神似 be alike in spirit; be an excellent likeness; 神速 marvellously quick; with amazing speed; 神算 miraculous foresight; marvellous prediction; 神态 expression; manner; bearing; mien; 神通 remarkable ability; magical power; supernatural power; 神通广大 have great magic power; a person's extraordinary power of getting what he wants; be infinitely resourceful; far-reaching and magic; have far-reaching supernatural power; infinitely powerful; omnipotent; possessing marvelous abilities; possess magic [unusual] power; 神童 child prodigy; wonder child; quiz kid; 神王 supreme being; 神往 be carried away; be rapt; be charmed; take one's breath away; yearn for at heart; 神威 martial prowess; invincible might; 神位 a spirit tablet; memorial talet; 神巫 wizard; sorcerer; 神武 [书] epithet of a great conquering general; 神物 [书] wonder; prodigy; phenomenon; supernatural being; deity; 神悟 [书] extraordinary quickness of comprehension; 神仙 supernatural being; celestial being; immortal; 神仙下凡 Immortals descend to the earth.; A fairy becomes incarnate.; 神像 the picture or statue of a god or Buddha; 神效 magical effect; miraculous effect; 神学 theology; 神医 highly skilled doctor; miracle-working doctor; 神异 gods and spirits; magical; miraculous; mystical; 神鹰 Condor; Vultur gryphus; 神勇 extraordinarily brave; 神游 [书] feel as if one were visiting a place; 神韵 romantic charm (in literature and art); 神职人员 clergy; 神志 consciousness; mind; sense; spirits; 神志半清 semiconsciousness; 神志不清 {医} obnubilation; not being in one's right mind; clouded in mind; in a confused state of mind; 神志恍惚 One's mind wanders.; wandering in one's mind; 神志昏迷 wander in one's mind; lie in delirium; 神志清醒 in one's sober senses; all there; in a clear state of mind; in full possession of one's faculties; in one's right mind; of sound mind; 神智 intelligence; mental ability; 神州 the Divine Land (a poetic name for China)









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