释义 |
社shè ❶ (共同工作或生活的一种集体组织) organized body; agency; society: 报 ~ newspaper office; 出版 ~ publishing house; press; 广告 ~ advertising agency; 合作 ~ cooperative; 诗 ~ a poets' club ❷ (人民公社) people's commune: ~ 办企业 commune-run enterprise; 爱 ~ 胜家 hold the people's commune dearer than one's family ❸ (古代把土神和祭土神的地方、日子和祭礼都叫社) the god of the land, sacrifices to him or dates or altars for such sacrifices: 春 ~ spring sacrifice ❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 佑 She You ◆社队企业 commune and brigade run enterprise; 社会 society; 社会栋梁 pillars of society; 社会工作 work, in additon to one's regular job, done for the collective; duties outside one's regular work; 社会风气 social morality; 社会风尚 social graces; social graciousness; 社会关系 human relations in society; social relations; one's social connections; personal social relationships (relatives and friends); 社会化 {心理} socialization; socialize; 社会名流 noted public figures; well-known persons; very important persons [people]; socialite; 社会效益 social benefits [effect; consequence; result]; 社会学 sociology; 社会赞助 social support; 社会渣滓 scum of society; resilient; trash; 社会治安 public [social] security; security of society; 社会主义 socialism; 社会主义精神文明 a socialist civilization at a high cultural and ideological level; 社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy; 社稷 the god of the land and the god of grain — the state; the country; 社交 social intercourse; social contact; 社交能力 social acceptability; 社教 [简] the socialist education movement; 社论 editorial; leading article; leader; 社区 community; 社群 {生态} association; ecological association; 社团 mass organizations; body of persons; corporation; 社戏 village theatrical performance given on religious festivals in old times; 社员 a member of a society, etc.; commune member; 社长 chiefof staff |