示shìⅠ (摆出或指出使人知道; 表明) show; indicate; signify; instruct; notify: 暗 ~ hint; drop a hint; 出 ~ 证件 produce one's papers; 提 ~ point out; prompt; 以 ~ 区别 so as to distinguish this from other cases Ⅱ ❶ [书] (给下级或晚辈的话或文字) letter; instructions: 请 ~ ask for instructions; 来 ~ 敬悉。 Your letter has been received.; Yours is to hand. ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 昧明 Shi Meiming ◆ 示波 oscillography; 示波器 {电} oscilloscope (OSC); oscillograph; oscillometer; ondoscope; 示补儿 “礻”, one of the Chinese character components; 示范 set an example; demonstrate; 示钻机 churn; 示分牌 flash card; 示功器 {机} manograph; indicator; ergograph; target; 示功图 {机} ergogram; indicator diagram; indicator card diagram; 示教 teach; 示警 give a warning; warn; 示例 give typical examples; give a demonstration; 示弱 give the impression of weakness; show the white feather; show weakness; take sth. lying down; 示威 demonstrate; put on a show of force; display one's strength; 示意 signal; hint; motion; give a sign; 示意图 diagrammatic sketch; abridged general view; map of the exhibition; sketch map; schematic diagram; 示众 publicly expose; put before the public; 示踪 spike |