Ⅰ ❶ (英美制重量单位) pound:英 ~ English pound; 六 ~ 食糖 six pounds of sugar; 你体重多少 ~? How many pounds do you weigh? ❷ {刷} (点的旧称) point type:八~ 字 8-point type Ⅱ (秤) scales:放在 ~ 上 put it on the scales Ⅲ (用磅秤称) weigh:~ 体重 weigh oneself or sb. on the scales 另见 see also pánɡ 。 ◆磅秤 platform scale;platform balance
(构词成分): ~ 礴 [- bó] ❶ (广大) boundless; majestic; vast; widespread; tremendous ❷ (充满) fill; permeate 另见 see also bànɡ。