affirm; confirm; acknowledge; authenticate
与会各国~下述原则。The participating countries affirm the following principles. /谨~,我们双方经过友好协商达成协议如下has the honour to confirm that our two sides have,through friendly consultations,reached the following agreement/如蒙大使馆来照~上述内容if the Embassy confirms the above by return note/以上协议如蒙阁下~if the above agreement receives Your Excellency’s confirmation/销售~书confirmation of sales/排除滥用即~其使用权confirmat usum qui tollit abusum [拉]/我已~confirmavi[拉]/非经该国事后~,不发生法律效果be without legal effect unless afterwards confirmed by the State/事后~subsequent confirmation/既不~,也不否认neither confirm nor deny/~一个中国和台湾是中国的一部分clear recognition of one China and Taiwan as a part of China/~单(书)instrument (or letter) of confirmation; confirmation;confirming order/~权confirmatory authority/~的证据affirmative proof/~的陈述affirmative representation/~的保证affirmative warranty