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单词 flat
释义 flat2 /flaet; flaet/ adj (-ter, -test) 1 smooth and level; even; having an unbroken surface: 平坦的; 平的: A floor must be ~. 地板必须平坦。 The top of a table is ~. 桌面是平的。 People used to think that the world was ~; now we know that it is round. 人们过去以为地球是平的,现在我们知道它是圆的。 One of the tyres is ~, has no or not enough air in it. 有一个轮胎漏气了。】 ~-bottomed adj (of a boat) having a ~ bottom (for use in shallow water). (指船)平底的(行驶于浅水中)。 '~car n (US) railway carriage without a roof or sides, for carrying freight. (俗) 平车(无顶篷或边板的铁路货车)。 '~fish n kinds of fish (including sole, plaice, turbot) having a ~ body and swimming on one side. 比目鱼; 条。→ the illus at fish, 参看 fish 之插图。 ,~-'footed adj a having feet with flat soles. 脚掌扁平的。(bj (colloq) downright; res-olute. (俗)直截了当的; 断然的。 '~-iron” 寸 iron,(2). '~racing; the F~, (horse-racing) over level ground with no obstacles. (赛马)平地比赛。 c steeplechase at steeple. '~top n (US colloq) aircraft-carrier. (美商航空母舰。 2 with a broad level surf ace and little depth: 浅的: ~ plates/ dishes/pans. 浅盘(喋,锅)。 The cake was ~, had failed to rise while cooking. 这蛋糕没有发起来。 3 dull; uninteresting; monotonous: 枯燥的; 平淡无味的; 单调的: Life seemed ~ to him. 他似乎觉得生活无味。 The party/conversation was rather ~. 那聚会(谈话)颇为乏味。 The soup is ~, lacks flavour. 这汤没有味道。伯〃 ~ fail to win applause or appreciation: 未受到喝采或欣赏: His best jokes fell ~. 他最拿手的笑话未能引人艺笑。 4 (music) below the true pitch: (音乐)降半音的; 变音的: sing ~; 降半音唱; ~ note; 降半音的符号; 变音号; A~ (= Ab), note half a tone lower than A. 降 A 调。 sharp(1O). 5 absolute; downright; unqualified: 断然的; 直载了当的; 直率的: give sb a ~ denial/refusal, deny or refuse sth Absolutely. 断然拒绝某人。 And that's ~! Let there be no doubt about that! 绝对是那样! 6 (comm)' ~ rate, common price paid for each of different things or services bought in quantity. (商)一律的价格(对于大量骋买的不同货物或劳役所定的共同价格)。 7 (of colours, coloured surf aces) uniform, without relief: (指颜色, 有色的表面)无明暗之分的; 无立体感的:a ~的 nt; 无明暗之分的颜色 paint, without a gloss. 无光泽的漆。 His paintings all seem rather lack relief, shading, etc. 他的画都似乎缺少立体感。 8 (of a battery) run down; needing to be recharged. (指电池)变弱的; 需再充电的。 9 (of gaseous or aerated liquids) no longer containing gas: (指充有气的液体)跑气的: This beer tastes/has gone ~. 这啤酒喝起来无味(气跑光了)。 fizz. 10 | ~ 'spin, a (often uncontrollable) fast descent of a horizontal, spinning aircraft. 飞机螺旋急降(常指失去控制者)。 b (colloq) (mental) state of great confusion: (U)K神错乱: a ~ spin. 精神错乱。 adv 1 in a ~ manner: 平坦地; 平直地; 降半音地: sing ~. 降半音唱。 2 (lying) spread out; (lying) at full length: 京开地; 挺直地; 平福地: He fell ~ on his back. 他直挺挺地加面跌倒了。 He knocked his opponent 他将对手击倒了。 The earthquake laid the city ~, caused all the buildings to fall. 地震震坍了主城的建筑物。 3 positively: 断然地: He told me ~ that: ... 他断然地吿诉我说…。 He went ~ against orders. 他断然抗命。 ~ broke, (colloq) with no money at all. (M 一文不名。 4 .~ out, a (colloq) with all one's strength and resources: ,俗)如全力; 拚命地: He gs working/running ~ out. 他场命工作(跑 )o b exhausted. 疲惫的。 adv in a ~ (6) manner: 然地; 直截了当地: The suggestions were ~ly opposed. 那些建议受到断然的反对。 He ~ly refused to join us. 他断然拒绝跟我们在一起。 ~ness n




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