硕(碩)shuòⅠ (大) large Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname ◆硕大 very large; 硕大无朋 big in stature and eminent in virtue without comparison; as fat as a porpoise; exceptionally large; gigantic; of unparalleled size; 硕果 big and ripe fruits; rich fruits; great achievements; 硕果仅存 There remained but a single one.; one and the only one; one of the few still left; rare survival; The few worthy people or valuables left after a calamity (natrual or otherwise).; the only one who survived; 硕果累累 countless rich fruits; innumerable great achievements; 硕士 Master (M.A.); 硕士学位 mastership; master's degree; 硕学鸿儒 a great learned literate; eminent scholar |