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❶ (用重物撞击; 重物落在物体上) pound; tamp: 把肉 ~ 成泥 pound the meat into a paste; 砰砰 ~ 门 pound at the door; ~ 实地基 tamp down the foundations; ~ 了脚 have one's foot squashed
❷ (打破) break; crush; smash: ~ 核桃 crack walnuts; 杯子 ~ 了。 The cup is smashed [broken]. 他们把冰 ~ 开, 把水运到工地。 They broke the ice and carried water to the site.
❸ [方] (事情失败) fail; foul up; fall through; be bungled: 戏演 ~ 了。 The play is badly performed. 事儿办 ~ 了。The matter is fouled up.; The job was bungled. 这次, 我可真考 ~ 了。 This time, I failed my examination completely.
◆砸饭碗 get the sack; be fired; lose one's work; get fired; 砸锅 [方] fail; fall through; be bungled; meet with defeat; 砸碎 break to pieces; break into pieces; smash; shatter





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