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单词 破除迷信

破除迷信pò chú mí xìn

abolish (/banish/destroy/get rid of/eradicate/overcome/topple)superstitions (/myths); break down fetishes;do away with (/dispel) blind faith; cast away(/shatter)illusions;free oneself from superstitions;overcome (one’s) superstitious reverence; topple old idols
❍ 我们本来要求解放思想,~,敢想敢说敢做。(周恩来《在文艺工作座谈会和故事片创作会议上的讲话》)We had asked people to emancipate their minds,break with blind faith and dare to think,to speak and to act.
❍ 在中国,对于许多人来说,一九五五年,可以说是~的一年。(《中国农村的社会主义高潮》127) For many people in China 1955 has been a year of shattered illusions.
❍ 农民协会是青年和壮年农民当权,所以对于推翻神权,~,是各处都在进行中的。(《毛泽东选集》32)Since the latter control the associations,the over throw of religious authority and the eradication of superstition are going on everywhere.

破除迷信pò chú mí xìn

扫除对鬼神、命运及其他封建迷信的盲目信仰或崇拜。topple old idols, do away with superstitions or blind faith, abolish superstition





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