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单词 破涕为笑

破涕为笑pò tì wéi xiào

one’s tears giving way to smiles; laugh (/smile) through one’s tears; melt into smiles; one’s tears change to laughter
❍ 今幸见世兄如此英英玉立,可称嗣续有人,又要~。(《儒林外史》128)But now that I see how brilliantly you are following in his steps,I feel happy again.
❍ 涛他娘也~说: “好没出息,怎么哭起来?”(梁斌《红旗谱》140) Mrs Yan laughed through her tears. “What a silly woman I am—Ⅰwonder what set me off?”/老妈妈看见儿子快乐的神气,~了。(柳青《创业史》504) When the old mama saw her son’s cheerfulness,her tears changed to laughter.
❍ 看见农会主席认真、严肃的样子,老婆婆~地问: “那么,没……?” (柳青《创业史》114) Zhenshan was so obviously in earnest that the widow’s tears turned to simles. “Then you mean…they haven’t…”

破涕为笑po ti wei xiao

one’s tears giving way to smiles

破涕为笑pò tì wéi xiào

涕:眼泪。一下子停止了哭泣,转而为笑。形容由悲哀转为喜悦。smile through tears, one’s tears giving way to smiles, laugh through one’s tears





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更新时间:2025/1/19 14:19:15