释义 |
破口大骂pò kǒu dà màcurse; denounce openly;give sb the rough side of one’s tongue; hurl (/bawl out) all kinds of abuses against (/at) (sb/sth); hurl insults at; let loose (/pour out) a torrent of abuses;pump (/heap) abuses upon sb; rail at sb; rain furious curses on; raise hell (/the devil); rave wildly against sb; revile at sth; shout (/shower) abuse on; scold loudly; swear like a trooper (/pirate); swear vehemently;vociferate oaths ❍ 玉宝还没问出是怎回事,听见外面有个老年人~,……(《高玉宝》11) Before he could probe further,he heard an old man cursing outside…/“你他妈的才见鬼! 你是什么货色……”对方顿时火了,也~起来。(杨佩瑾《剑》163) “You’re the one who’s out of his mind! Who the hell are you anyway? …”The other man went up in a blue flame and gave the captain the rough side of his tongue. ❍ 贺人龙立马阵前,~。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ —189) He Renlong,riding at the head of his troops,reined in and loosed off a loud flood of abuse. ❍ 其中有人,竟在村头~,骂出些很难听的话来,连大姐娃也捎带在内。(王汶石《风雪之夜》79) They said a lot of harsh things about him,not even sparing Dajie. ❍ 他扎起袖子,~:“……你神气什么,仗哪个的势子?”(周立波《山乡巨变》57) He rolled up his sleeves and swore freely:“…what makes you so-arrogant,who’s backing you?”/还有一些人就离开队伍跑散了,站在很远的地方~: ……(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—167) Some of those in the crowd who had scattered now also came to a standstill at a distance and swore at the foreigners vehemently,… 破口大骂shout abuse; let loose a torrent of filthy abuse 破口大骂pò kǒu dà mà指张口出恶语伤人。shout abuse, pump abuses upon sb., rail at sb., bawl abuse |