❶go bankrupt (or broke); become insol vent; become impoverished
❷come to nought; fall through
我们要使这些预言彻底~。We must shatter these prophecies./阴谋~。The plot has fallen through./道德~ moral bankrupt/公司彻底~ the company has gone broke/精神~spiritual bankrupt/迫使~ drive sb to bankruptcy/宣告~declare bankruptcy; be declared bankrupt; go into bankruptcy/银行~bank failure/~裁定书written order of bankruptcy/~的神话exploded myth/~地主bankrupt landlord/~农民impoverished peasant/~企业bankrupt enterprise/~清算bankruptcy liquidation /~申请bankruptcy application(or petition)/~诉讼bankruptcy proceedings/~通知书bankruptcy notice/~人资产负债情况表bankruptcy schedule/~法bankruptcy (or insolvency) law