释义 |
破pòⅠ ❶ (完整的东西受到损伤) be broken; be damaged: 衬衣 ~ 了一个洞 have a hole in one's shirt; 吓 ~ 了胆 be scared out of one's wits; 窗玻璃 ~ 了。 The windowpane is broken. 没关系,就 ~ 了一点皮。 Nothing serious. Just a graze. 我的手 ~ 了。 I've cut my hand. 我劝了他半天,嘴皮都快磨 ~ 了。 I talked till my jaws ached, trying to bring him around. ❷ (使损坏) break; break down; damage: ~ 釜沉舟 break the cauldrons and sink the boats (after crossing); 窃贼 ~ 门而入。 The thief broke into the house. ❸ (使分裂; 劈开) break; split; cleave; cut: ~ 浪前进 cleave [cut, plough] through the waves; 势如 ~ 竹 like splitting a bamboo; 一 ~ 两半 break [split] into two; 这块木头可以 ~ 开当柴烧。 The wood can be split up for fuel. ❹ (把整的换成零的) change (money): 把这十元的票子 ~ 开。 Break the ten-yuan note, please. 一张五美元的钞票 ~ 成五张一美元的钞票。 A five-dollar bill changes into five one-dollar bills. ❺ (突破) break; break through: ~ 世界纪录 break the world record; 突 ~ 重围 break through the heavy encirclement ❻ (破除) get rid of; destroy; break with: ~ 旧俗,立新风 break with outmoded customs and establish new ones ❼ (打败; 攻下) defeat; capture (a city, etc.): 城 ~ 之日 the day the city fell; 大 ~ 敌军 inflict a crushing defeat on the enemy ❽ (花费) spend: ~ 钞 spend money ❾ (使真相露出; 揭穿) expose the truth of; lay bare: 看 ~ see through; 一语道 ~ get to the heart of the matter in a few words; puncture a fallacy with one remark Ⅱ ❶ (破旧) broken; damaged; torn; worn-out: ~ 布 rags; ~ 房子 a dilapidated [tumbledown] house; ~ 碗 a broken bowl; ~ 衣服 worn-out [ragged, tattered] clothes ❷ (讥讽质量等不好) poor; bad; paltry; lousy; shabby: 谁看那个 ~ 电影! Who wants to see that poor film! 这点 ~ 事两分钟就办完了。 To settle a simple matter like this won't take more than two minutes. 这支 ~ 笔真气人! This lousy pen really drives me mad! ◆破案 solve a case; clear up a case; crack a criminal case; track down the criminal; 破败 ruined; dilapidated; tumbledown; 破壁飞去 The painted dragons broke the wall and flew away.; rapidly go up in the world; 破冰船 icebreaker; 破波 breaker; breaking wave; 破布 rag; clout; tatters; 破擦音 {语} affricate; 破财 suffer unexpected personal financial losses; 破产 go bankrupt; go broke; become insolvent; become impoverished; go bankruptcy; fall through; ruin; be wrecked; come to naught; 破产程序 bankruptcy procedure; 破产法 (the) bankrupt law; 破钞 spend money; go to some expense; 破除 do away with; get rid of; abolish; eradicate; break with; 破除迷信 do away with all fetishes and superstitions; banish [abolish] all blind faith; get rid of superstition; 破窗而入 leap in through the window; 破读 the pronunciation other than the most common, customary pronunciation of a word which has more than two forms of pronunciation because of different senses; 破费 [套] spend money; go to some expense; 破釜沉舟 break the caldrons and sink the boats (after crossing); burn one's boats; cut off all means of retreat; 破格 break a rule; make an exception; 破格录用 break a rule to engage sb.; 破格提拔 break a rule to promote sb.; unconventionally promote; 破罐破摔 smash a pot to pieces just because it's cracked — write oneself off as hopeless and act recklessly; 破坏 destroy; wreck; ruin; do great damage to; do harm to; damage; disrupt; change (a social system, custom, etc.) completely or violently; destroy; demolish; violate (an agreement, regulation, etc.); break; decompose; destroy; 破坏性 destructiveness; destructive effect; 破获 unearth; uncover; ferret out; 破击 (破坏, 袭击) attack and destroy; wreck; sabotage; 破镜重圆 a broken mirror joined together; reunion of husband and wife after an enforced separation or rupture; 破旧 old and shabby; worn-out; dilapidated; 破旧立新 destroy the old and establish the new; eradicate the old and foster the new; 破句 pause at the wrong place of a sentence; 破口大骂 shout abuse; give vent to a torrent of abuse; let loose a torrent of abuse; hurl all kinds of abuse; 破烂 tattered; ragged; worn-out; junk; scrap; 破烂不堪 in shreds and patches; torn and tattered; worn to the thread(s); 破浪 breaker; 破浪前进 plough the waves; cleave the water; breast waves; 破例 break a rule; make an exception; 破脸 turn against sb.; fall out; 破裂 break; fracture; burst; split; rupture; crack; 破落 decline (in wealth and position); fall into reduced circumstances; be reduced to poverty; 破谜儿 [口] solve a riddle; [方] ask a riddle破门 burst [force] open the door; excommunicate; 破门而出 break into through the door and dash out; come forward with; come out into the open; 破门而入 break into houses; break in; burst door open; force open; 破灭 be shattered; fall through; evaporate; be disillusioned; 破伤风 lockjaw; tetanus; 破私立公 overcome selfishness and foster public spirit; eliminate selfness and buid up devotion to the public interest; 破碎 tattered; broken; smash [break] sth. to pieces; crush; 破碎机 crusher; breaker; bucker; kibbler; 破碎险 risk of breakage; 破损 damaged; worn; torn; damage; failure; breakage; 破题 the first of an eight-part essay, explaining the essence of the title in one or two sentences; 破题儿第一遭 the first time one ever does sth.; the first time ever; 破体字 [旧] Chinese characters which are not of standardized forms; 破涕 stop crying; 破涕为笑 smile through tears; melt into smiles; turn tears into smiles; 破天荒 epoch-making; occur for the first time; be unprecedented; without precedent; 破土 break ground (in starting a building project, etc.); start spring ploughing; break through the soil; 破土动工 break ground; begin a construction project by digging for the foundation; turn the formal first spadeful of dirt; 破五(儿) [旧] the fifth of the first lunar month; 破相 (of facial features) be marred by a scar, etc.; 破晓 dawn; daybreak; 破鞋 [方] loose woman; 破颜 break into a smile; 破颜一笑 break [soften] one's stern countenance and smile; crack a smile; A stern man gives a smile.; 破衣服 totters; 破绽 a burst seam; flaw; weak point; 破绽百出 loopholes appear one after another; full of flaws; 破折号 dash; {刷} em rule; em score; metal rule; mutton rule; 破竹之势 an irresistible force; easy to attain success; overwhelming force |