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单词 石沉大海

石沉大海shí chén dà hǎi

like a stone (/rock)dropped into the sea—disappear for ever; never to be seen or heard of again
❍ 我则道~! (《关汉卿戏剧集·包待制三待蝴蝶梦》80) I thought you were gone /Like a pebble in the ocean./——哼,以后呢,可就~,音讯儿全没有了。(《茅盾文集》Ⅷ—283) Then they disappear like a rock dropped into the sea—not a word out of them.
❍ 我把常和应坚往来的一个同志,给写了一封信。几个月过去了,有如~。(陶承《我的一家》84) I talked thematter over with a comrade who came frequently to see Yingjian,and he agreed to write a letter for me but several months passed and there was no reply.
❍ 十天过去,给北平的同学,老师写的寻找职业的信仍如~……(杨沫《青春之歌》30) When ten days had passed there was still no response to her letters to Beiping asking for work there,…/是呀,我们早就提出来,请求改善配棉成分,可是这些意见送上去,如同~,到现在也没有消息。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—331) Yes,I know,It’s some time since we first brought the matter up and asked for the blending proportions to be improved but we might as well save our breath: it’s like throwing a stone into the ocean,it’s had no effect so far.”


(disappear) like a stone dropped into the sea
如~,音讯全无like a stone dropped into the sea,he disappeared without a trace

石沉大海shí chén dà hǎi

像石头掉进大海一样不见了踪影,比喻杳无音信或得不到一点消息;也比喻没有效果。disappear for ever, never to be seen or heard of again





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