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单词 finger
释义 finger /'fiijga(r);'hrjg l n one of the five members ('little 'ring ~, 'middle ~, 'index or 'fore ~, thumb) at the end of the ha'nd. 手指('小拇指称 little finger, 无名指称 ring finger, 中指称 middle finger, 食指称 index 或 forefinger, 大拇指称 thumb) → → the illus at arm. 参看 arm 之插图。 There are five ~s (or four ~s and one thumb) on each hand. 每只手有五个手指(四个手指和一个大拇指)。 sb's ~s are all thumbs, he is very clumsy. 某人很笨拙。 thumb, burn one's —s, suffer because of incautious or meddlesome behaviour, etc. 因不谨慎或管闲事等而吃龉。 have a ~ in every/the pie, → pie. keep one's ~s crossed. cross2 (3). lay a ~ on, touch (however slightly): 触(木论多么轻微): I forbid you 'to lay a on the boy, to punish him by hitting him, etc. 我不许你碰那孩子。 lay/put one's ~ on, point out precisely (where sth is wrong, the cause of a problem). 正确指出(错处,症结之所在)。 not lift a ~ (to help sb), do nothing to help when help is needed. 一点也不帮忙。 put the ~ on sb, (sl) inform against (a criminal). (俚)吿发(犯入么 slip through one's ~s, cslip,(3). twist sb round one's (little) ~, cajole him; dominate him. 笼络某人; 玩弄某人于股掌之上。 '~alphabet n method (using the ~s in various ways) for talking with the deaf. 指语法; 手势语(与爱人交谈用者)。 '—board, wood (on a guitar, violin, etc) where the strings are held against the neck with the ~s. (吉他,小提琴等颈部之)指板。' ~-bowln one for rinsing the ~s at meals. (吃饭时用的)洗指钵。' ~-mark n mark, eg on a wall, made by a dirty ~. 指痕。'nail n nail at the tip of the ~. 指甲。 '■-plate n one fastened on a door near the handle or key-hole to prevent —marks. 门上把手或锁眼附近防指汚的板。 ' post n signpost giving directions with boards shaped like ~s. 指标; 指路牌。 ,~print n mark made by ~s when pressed on a surf ace, used for identifying criminals, 指纹。→ the illus at whorl. 参看 whorl 之插图。 '~stall n protective cover (worn over an injured ~). (用以保护受伤手指的)指套。 '~tip, top of a have sth at one's ~ tips, be thoroughly familiar with it. 熟悉某事物。 vt [VP6A] touch with the ~s: 以宙度换: ~ a piece of cloth, touch, feel, it (to test its quality). 用指换一块布(以试其质料)。




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