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单词 accompany
accompany/ ə′kʌmpǝni/ vt [-yies/z/;-yied,-yied /d/]

(1)陪伴(同)(go or travel along or in company with)[T+n]:~sb to school/the station/the gate 陪同某人去上学/车站/大门口;~sb on an expedition随某人去远征;~sb on a walk/a journey/a trip随某人去散步/旅行/旅行;~sb home/everywhere/across the Atlantic伴某人回家/去各地/横渡大西洋;~sb as far as the church/for some distance 陪某人到教堂/走一段距离;She entered,~ied by an officer.她由一名军官陪着走了进来。〖同〗attend;

(2)伴随(发生)(happen or exist with sth at the same time)[尤passT+nT+n+prep(by/with)]:Suffering~ies war.灾难伴随战争而来。strong winds~ied by heavy rain强风伴着暴雨;lightning~ied by thunder电闪雷鸣;〖同〗follow;

(3)补充(put sth else together with)[尤passT+n+prep(with)]:~one's request with threats 要求中带有威胁;Steak is often~ied by red wine.吃肉排时通常喝红葡萄酒。His words were~ied with angry gestures.他说话时气愤地打着手势。Each application was~ied with a photo.每份申请都附有一张照片。~one's lesson with slides/one's explanation with tape recordings 讲课辅以幻灯片/解释配以录音;

(4)伴奏(play music to support (a singeretc))[T+nT+n+prep(at/on)]:(pianist)~sb's singing/a song(钢琴家)为某人歌唱/一首歌伴奏;(singers) be~ied at (on) the piano/the guitar by sb(歌手们)由某人担任钢琴/吉他伴奏;

←′company n ;

→ ac′companying adj 伴随的;ac′companist n 伴随者;伴奏(唱)者;ac′companiment n 伴随物;伴奏;

【辨异】 accompany是“随同”,如:accompany a friend on a shopping trip(陪朋友去购物);attend是“随侍(从)”,即提供服务,如:attend one's boss on a business trip(随老板出差);escort是“护卫(送)”,即相随的同时提供保护,如:escort a visiting dignitary(护卫来访的要人)。还有convoy(护航,护卫)指武装护送船只,如:convoy a merchant vessel(给一商船护航)。





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