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单词 fine
释义 fine3 /fain; fain/ adj (-r, -st) 1 (of weather) bright; clear; not raining: (指天气)晴朗的; 无云的; 无雨的: It rained all morning, but turned ~ later. 一早上都在下雨,但后来转晴了。 one ~ day, (in storytelling) one day past or future. (讲故事时)有一夭; 某日。 one of these ~ days, at some (vague) time in the future. 改天; 将来。 2 enjoyable; pleasing; splendid: 可爱的; 悦人的; 美好的: a ~ view; 美丽的景色; have a ~ time; 有一段快乐的时间; 玩得痛快; ~ clothes. 漂亮的衣服。 She has grown up to be a ~ young lady. 她已长成为美丽的少女了。 That's a ~ excuse, (ironic) a very poor excuse. (反语)那倒是个好借口。 She thinks herself a ~ lady, considers herself a lady of fashion, too superior to do housework, etc. 她自命为上流社会妇女,不应该做家事等。 3 delicate; carefully made and easily injured: WW的; 精巧的: ~ workmanship; 精巧的手工; ~ silk. 细纲。 4 of very small particles: 教小的: ~ dust. 微尘。 Sand is ~ r than gravel. 沙比石微小。 5 slender; thin; sharp: 细的; 锐利的: ~ thread; 细线; a pencil with a ~ point. 笔头尖的铅擎。 not to put too ~s point on it, to express it plainly. 明白表达; 直截了当地说。 ~-tooth comb ctooth(2). 6 (of metals) refined; pure: (指金属)精制的; 纯的: ~ gold; 纯金; gold 18 carats ~, with 18 parts of pure gold and 6 of alloy: 十八开金。 7 (to be) seen only with difficulty or effort: 难以辨识的; 南微的: a ~ distinction; 精微的区别; capable of delicdte perception, able to make delicate distinctions: 能作精微辨识的: a ~ sense of humour; 善于领会幽默; a ~ taste in art. 对艺术之精确鉴赏力 . the ~ arts; ~ art, the visual arts that appeal to the sense of beauty, esp painting and sculpture. 美术(尤指绘画和彫刻)。 8 (of speech or writing) too ornate; insincerely complimentary. (指演说或写作)过份虚饰的; 华而不实的。 call sth/sb by ~ names, a (of sth) use euphemisms about it. 委婉地敍述某事物。 b (of sb) flatter him. 奉承某人; 恭维某人。 9 in good health: 健康的: I'm feeling ~. 我很好。 ~ly adv 1 splendidly: 美好地; 华丽地: ~ly dressed. 衣着华丽。 2 into small particles or pieces: 微小地; 细微初: carrots ~ chopped up. 切碎的红隹卜。 ~ness n




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