矮ǎi ❶ (身材短) short:~ 个子 a short man; 他身材 ~ 小。 He is short in stature. ❷ (高度低的) low:~ 墙[屋] a low wall [house] ❸(级别、地位低) low:~ 一级 a grade lower ◆矮凳 low stool;taboret; 矮化 {植} stuntedness;stunt;brachysm;dwarf; 矮胖 short and stout;short and fat;dumpy;roly-poly;tubbiness; 矮墙浅屋 The wall is low and the house small.;a low and crowded house;poor family; 矮人观场 the dwarf seeing a show — follow suit without knowing why; 矮小 short and small;low and small;undersized;short-statured;{生理} pygmyism;nanosoma;nanosomia; 矮星{天}dwarf; dwarf star; 矮壮素 chlormequat chloride;chlorocholine chloride;cycogan;{农} cycocel;cycocel 2-chloroethyl- trimethyl-ammonium chloride |