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单词 短小精悍

短小精悍duǎn xiǎo jīng hàn

❶a little fire-eater;be short but agile and intripid; compact-built and capable; not of imposing stature but strong and capable;
❷ [of a piece of writing] short and pithy;terse and forceful
❍ 别看他人生得矮小,可是人小心不小,一肚子诡计,~,聪明绝顶,有名的智多星。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—257) He may not be very big physically but he’s got a big mind; he’s full of schemes,a little fire-eater,extremely clever,a well known genius.
❍ 解为人~,不饮酒。(《史记·游侠列传》3185) ❶Guo Xie was shortin stature and very quick tempered; he did not drink wine.
❷Guo Xie was short but agile and intrepid. He never drank wine.
❍ 倪焕之看见从火车上机敏地跳下一个~的人,虽然分别有好几年了,却认得清就是他期待的客,便激动地喊出来,用轻快的步子跑了过去。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》292)When Huan-zhi saw a short,alert figure step briskly down from the train he recognized it as his expected visitor despite the many years that had passed since they had last met,and he called out excitedly to him as he hurried across with a light-hearted step.
❍ 珍重怜爱的意思充塞满腔,便对乐山那依然~的身影深深地瞥了一眼。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》391) His heart filled to overflowing with solicitude and a tender compassion,he shot an intense look at Leshan’s figure,still as squat and vigorous as ever.
❍ 这篇文章~,我很喜欢读它。This essay is terse and forceful,and I like reading it very much.

短小精悍duan xiao jing han

not of imposing stature but strong and capable


❶short but strong and tough(对人)
❷terse and forceful;short and pithy(对文章)

短小精悍duǎn xiǎo jīnɡ hàn

比喻人虽矮小,却很精干;也形容文章、戏曲等虽简短,却很有力。terse and forceful, short and pithy, short and sweet, compact-built and capable, small but effective





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