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单词 短兵相接

短兵相接duǎn bīng xiāng jiē

a hand-to-hand struggle (/fight); come to grips with; engage in close combat (fighting); fight at close quarters (/range); fight hilt to hilt; grapple with; lock horns
❍ 革命和反革命的斗争已经在~的程度了。(陶承《我的一家》30) The strife between revolution and counterrev olution now resolved itself into a a hand-to-hand struggle.
❍ 前面的队伍还没有冲到大门口,军警已经和他们~地混战起来。(杨沫《青春之歌》135) But before their vanguard reached the gates they had to come to grips with the police and soldiers.
❍ 幸亏农民军全是轻骑,行动如风驰电掣,眨眼卷到敌人中心,~,展开混战,使敌人的火器与弓弩失去作用。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—262)Fortunately,bieng mounted,the rest were able to gallop swift as lightning into the government posi tions,and in the close combat which ensued the artillery and archers were rendered useless.


close combat;fighting at close quarters


fight at close quarters; engage in hand-to-hand fight;come to grips with each other;cut-and-thrust
一场~的外交斗争 a fight at close range on the diplomatic front; a cut-and-thrust diplomatic battle

短兵相接duǎn bīnɡ xiānɡ jiē

短兵:指刀剑等短武器;接:接触。用刀、剑等短武器搏斗。也泛指面对面地进行尖锐的斗争。fight hand to hand, fight at close quarters, hand-to-hand fight,grapple with, come to close quarters





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