释义 |
知过必改zhī guò bì gǎialways correct an error when one becomes aware of it; recognize one’s mistakes and correct them without fail/ “赵主任,我~。日后能不能参加?” (周立波 《暴风骤雨》 182)“Chairman Zhao,I admit my mistake and promise to correct it. May I join later on?”/自古说~便是圣贤。(草明《原动力》 76) Doesn’t the proverb say that a man who knows his faults and changes is a sage?/“人家说~,就得了呗。”又有人说。(周立波《暴风骤雨》76) “He’s promised to behave better in future,so why not let it go at that?” another moralized. ❍ 蒙大老爷保全,真乃天地父母之恩;此后~。(《儒林外史》63)Since you have overlooked my fault,I owe you the same gratitude that I do to heaven and earth or to my parents. In future I promise to do better./“要我自己说: 今儿屯邻们说的一些事,都不怨我,都是我兄弟老七他整的。我要是有过,我~。”(周立波《暴风骤雨》75)“If you ask me,my younger brother is to blame for what my neighbours have been referring to. But if I know I’ve done a wrong,I’ll certainly put it right.”/这贾琏又说: “谁人无错? ~就好。” (《红楼梦》850)However,Jia Lian said ,“who’s perfect?If you recognize your mistakes and correct them,that’s all right.”/农会开了会,不叫他当分地委员,他哭了。他说他~,这事咋整?(周立波《暴风骤雨》141) The Peasants’ Association held a meeting to discuss the matter and decided to remove him from his post. But he wept and said that he realized his mistake and wanted t o correct it. Now what should we do with him? 知过必改zhī ɡuò bì ɡǎi知道自己的过错就一定要改正。always correct an error when one becomes aware of it, recognize one’s mistakes and correct them without fail |