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单词 figure
释义 figure /'figa(r)US: 'figjar; 'figja/ n 1 symbol for a number, esp 0 to 9: 数字 ] 尤指由 0 至 9): He has an income of six figures, £ 100000 or more. 他有六位数字的收入 (至少为 100,000 镑)。 We bought the house at a high/low ~, for a high/ low price. 我们以高 (低) 价买下那所房屋。 double ~s, any number from 10 to 99 inclusive. 二位数字 (自 10 至 99)。2 (pl) arithmetic: (复) 算 U: Are you good at ~s? 你精于算术吗? 3 diagram; drawing to illustrate sth: 图形; 图解; 图表: The blackboard was covered with geometrical ~s, ie squares, triangles, etc. 黑板上画满了几何图形 (正方形,三角形等) 。 4 person's ~ drawn or painted, or cut in stone, etc; drawing, painting, image, of the body of a bird, animal, etc. (绘养,雕刻等的) 人像; 肖像; 鸟兽等的像。 '~-head n a carved image (either bust or full-length) placed for ornament at the prow of a ship. 赭像 (船首所饰之雕像,半身或全身者) 。 b person in high position but with no real authority, tz 名无实的首领; 傀儡。 5 human form, esp the appearance and what it suggests: 人形; (尤指) 体态; 相貌:身材: 7 Jew a ~ approaching in the darkness. 我看见黑暗中有个人影走近。 He has a good/poor/handsome, etc ~. 他的体型很好 (很差,很漂亮等) 。 She's a fine ~ of a woman, is well→shaped. 她南身材很美。 I'm dieting to keep my ~, in order not to grow stout. 我在节食以保持我的身材 (不使身体发胖) 。 She was a ~ of distress, Her attitude and appearance suggested distress. 她的样子很穷苦。 cut a fine/poor / sorry, etc ~, make a fine, etc, appearance. 崭露头角 (出洋相; 出丑等)。 6 person, esp his character or influence: 人物(尤指其性格或影专力): dominating ~s like Napoleon. 像拿破仑般的有领导力的人物。 7 ~。 speech, expression, eg a simile or metaphor, that gives variety or force, using words out of their literal meaning. 比喻。 vt, vi 1 [VP15A] imagine; picture mentally: 想像: ~ sth to oneself. 想像某事物。 2 [VP2C] ~ (in), appear; have a part; be prominent: 出现; 担任一角色; 露头角: ~ in history/in a play. 在历史上留名(在一剧中扮演一角) . He ~ £ in all the books on the subject. '所有关于此一问题的书籍中都提到了他。 3 [VP15B] ~ sth/ sb out, calculate; think about until one understands: 演算出; 想出; 理解: I can't ~ that man out, He puzzles me 我不了解那个人。 4 [VP3A, 9, 25] ~ (on), (US) reckon; estimate; conclude: (美)料想; 指望; 推断: They ~d on your arriving early. 他们预料你会早到。 I ~d (that) he was honest. 我想他是诚实的。 I ~ him (to be) honest. 我认为他是诚实的。 figured adj ornamented; decorated: 有装饰的; 装饰过的: a glass window, with designs, eg in stained glass; 有图案'的玻璃窗(例如用彩色玻璃); 花玻璃窗; ~d silk, with patterns or designs on it. . 纹织绢。




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